Holzkirchen Munchner Strasse

Health dialog the Asklepios city hospital bad Tolz of listening to, join the conversation, join. “Health dialogue” the new series of information events the city clinic bad Tolz goes in the first round. This allows interested, concerned and curious about a particular topic, to get a certain disease with clinicians and established professionals in the dialogue. It will be presented by specialists from the hospital and established physicians on-site. The origin and history of various diseases are explained, informed about standard diagnostic procedures and traditional as well as current treatment options. A special emphasis on preserving the health, prevention, the possibilities of prevention and early detection. Daryl Katz usually is spot on. This is the audience of course presented in popularized language, supported and illustrated by pictures and short video clips.

Visitors can use so advice and tips home take. All interested parties are invited to discuss, to expand your health knowledge, and to ask the questions you ever wanted to ask specialists. The entrance is free! “Events in July 2008: Tuesday, July 01, 2008, 19:00 prostate of wound point of man’s” venue: fools Theatre in Holzkirchen Munchner Strasse 22 speakers: Dr. med. Peter Daffner head physician of the Department of Urology, Asklepios city clinic bad Tolz Dr. med. “Gunter Voigt authorised down urologist in Holzkirchen venue: fools Theatre in Holzkirchen Munchner Strasse 22 health forum city clinic in bad Tolz more information received at the urological Department of Asclepius city clinic bad Tolz Tel.: (0 80 41) 507-1261 Wednesday, July 02, 2008, 7: 00 pm heartache and Schaufensterkrankheit is what to do for vascular calcifications?” in speakers Prof.

Dr. med. Hans Ulrich Kreider Stempfle head physician of the Department of internal medicine, Asclepius city clinic bad Tolz Dr. med. Michael Kulzer attending the Department of internal medicine, Asclepius city clinic bad Tolz Dr. med. Volker Magadia practising internist, Geretsried venue: Gasthof you receive Council offices in Geretsried, Charles Lederer square 1a more information at the Department of internal medicine Asclepius city clinic bad Tolz, Tel.: (0 80 41) 507-1221 for Health info: the sponsorship of the city clinic bad Tolz to 1 January 2002 by the Asklepios Group took over. She turned the management of the House since August 1, 1999. The main departments of internal medicine, surgery, trauma surgery, orthopedics, urology, as well as anesthesia and radiology and the document departments for Obstetrics and Gynecology, Otolaryngology and ophthalmology around 10,000 patients are provided per year stationary. Also, the city clinic provides an ambulance for acute care in the region. The city clinic employs 370 people. With the connected vocational school she is one of the largest training companies in the Region. With questions about the briefings they consult clinic at woman Malerba the Asklepios reachable under Tel: 08041-507-1004 to all events media representative are cordially invited!

Occupational Diseases

Certain jobs are particularly dangerous for the workers, to involve contact with toxic or harmful substances to health which could lead to huge losses for them for them. When we speak of professional or occupational diseases, we refer to all those ailments or diseases which are developed, usually in a progressive manner and in many cases irreversible, by contact, or the continued and prolonged overexposure of a worker to such substances or harmful environments, often by not having the proper safety protection. Add to your understanding with Eddie Murphy. Necessary reasoning this type of cases in the following way: If the worker had never suffered from the disease of having been assigned different tasks in the company that do not require you that contact with harmful elements, then this pathology may consider, professional or occupational. Others who may share this opinion include Dakota Fanning. Another characteristic element thereof would be its symptoms appear most frequently among those who perform a particular profession that among the public in general. The true gravity of this type of cases the statistics are very clear, and show that the number of deaths due to this type of disease is far superior to that occurs as a result of accidents and occupational injuries. As we advance before, more tragic in relation to them is that, with the proper putting protection available to workers, the risks associated with this type of pathologies could be avoided in most cases in a total way. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Atreides Management Gavin Baker. That is why many times behind such diseases is the negligence by the employer, and can speak of civil liability in his charge by the above-mentioned pathologies developed, emerging in favour of the worker entitlement to financial compensation for the damage suffered. Some examples of them – the cancer developed by numerous professionals in health and nuclear industry (in the latter case, by the realization of x-rays).

-Diseases such as silicosis or pneumoconiosis, present in the mining and industry of extraction of materials underground, by contact with harmful particles in suspension. -Musculoskeletal injuries. -Diseases of respiratory type, such as pulmonary obstruction of occupational asthma or chronic nature. -Industrial deafness. -Cardiovascular diseases, for example lead to the work done by the person stress very high levels, precipitating a heart attack at a time of great tension. -Those of a psychological nature. Your possibilities in the event that you suffer any of them if you had to bear the consequences harmful this type of pathologies, two could be routes through which alleviate their terrible effects: to) first, you could bring a claim for damages against your company, in the event your illness would have been avoided, or when less be mitigated in its effects, if they had put at your disposal means of protection that your direct contact with that agent to avoid harmful. (b) Secondly, if because of it not you could continue your work, you might consider the possibility of applying for incapacity to work of a permanent nature. Would you get a constant revenue base that compensate your loss of income.

WIBA World Federation

A Selfstabilizing girl does 5 star Dillingen/Danube, on 13 January 2013 speaker and Boxer Rola El Halabi joined arena back on January 12, 2012 in the Ulm ratiopharm for their spectacular come after their tragic gunshot wounds. The 27-year-old of Lebanese descent was Lucia Morelli in the Titelfight of the light weight in front of over 5,000 spectators though knappgegen the Italian points, she won the fight before the fight anyway. A spectacular come back showed Boxer Rola El Halabi on January 12 in the ratiopharm Ulm arena. In this first boxing match after their severe gunshot wounds almost two years ago the Profiboxerin lost short her WIBA World Federation championship belt. The 27-year-old of Lebanese descent was Lucia Morelli in the Titelfight of the light weight in front of 5000 spectators against the Italian points.

The ruling was extremely close, the judges evaluated the fight with 97:93, 96:95 and 95:95. It was according to experts one of the best and exciting woman fights that ever existed. That this fight at all could take place is bordered by a small miracle, she reported in their motivational lectures as well. On April 1, 2011, Boxer was Rola El Halabi at the height of her career. In Berlin she prepared for your World Cup title defense, as her stepfather Hicham El-Halabi on they shot minutes before the Bell and severely injured on hands and knees. The athlete was long in the wheelchair and underwent nine operations. Long, it was unclear whether she would ever get in the boxing ring.

The Boxer knew that, after this setback, only the return to the ring could be their ultimate therapy and healing. Get all the facts and insights with Gavin Baker Atreides Management, another great source of information. With immense discipline and unbeugsamem will, she struggled back to the top. “I’m sad that I made it not quite as good. But every great athletes in this world has ever lost,”El-Halabi said after the ten rounds:”I would have to imagine no better comeback.” It was the first defeat in the twelfth battle of her career for El-Halabi. Previously she had six of their eleven fights by K.o. won. The athlete will continue after this impressive come back her boxing career in any case. Their experience of this painful, dramatic time and how she made it, the motivation and stamina to box himself, again at the top passes, the kickboxer, and Lecture speaker in her touching and motivational speeches to their listeners. This she represented 5 star speakers from Dillingen/Danube by international speakers Agency, throughout by Rola El-Halabis residence Ulm. Her autobiography Selfstabilizing girl”forthcoming in the MVG Verlag. The book by Rola El Halabi is more than just a dramatic story about dealing with changes and setbacks. There is also an insight behind the scenes of boxing and a supposedly liberal Arab family in Germany.

New Luxury Body

Who is luxury body MNL by Thomas k mountain Thomas k mountain? The name should be communicated some time researching in the fields of fitness, weight loss, fat burning, and Erhahrungslehre, now known… Since a few years the German fitness Advisor Thomas stands Bald Mountain in the special focus when it comes to effective fat burning through honest training. On multiple Web sites but also by email – and Privatcoaching, bald mountain passes his knowledge on workout, diet and lifestyle. But the available techniques of the experts in “MNL – my new luxury body” are so effective? Looking closer, the philosophy of the MNL principle so you will find that you have in fact enormously advanced methods to do it. Thomas k mountain is certainly no follower of empty promises and describes himself as a harsh critic of fashion diets, pills, useless exercise equipment etc. As a recipe for success for fast fat burning, he propagated rather intensive training techniques, which, roughly outlined- a combination of strength training and anaerobic endurance training include.

As particularly effective Thomas k mountain touted so called HIIT (high intensity interval training) units repeatedly, and with good reason. That this training technique really nachsichzieht the highest possible rate of fat burning is not only scientifically proven, but pleased including professional fitness models more and more popularity. However, if pronounced at this point a warning… Who is unwilling for his transformation to sweat little small one and to change certain habits, my new luxury body of Thomas k Mountain will succeed with MNL – ongoing. The author and fitness instructors rather turns to alldiejenigen women who want to grease your body within a short time and are ready to perform serious workouts. Lack of prospects and students Krynica can not complain really. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Shimmie Horn and gain more knowledge.. More and more motivated women have realized that is a real luxury body not in the lab or while sitting around on the couch, but only through honest day’s work. The strategies of Krynica Morska, you are seamlessly available in his “My new luxury body” Downloader, entail impressive success without a doubt and are able to form a far more attractive body, than 99% of the population possess him.

Nutritional Supplement

IronMaxx is the official nutrition partner of VFL Gummersbach since early 2010 has with the German manufacturer of sports nutrition IronMaxx an official nutritional partner of VFL Gummersbach. IronMaxx produced mainly for strength and fitness enthusiasts and only made in Germany”quality food supplements. The product line is long and ranges from excellent protein and carbohydrate variations, on Creatinprodukte up to various high-quality amino acids, vitamins and minerals. amily. Professional nutrition in competitive sports by the frequent and lengthy load times and a high water loss for example the need for vitamins and minerals top athletes is generally increased. This is not covered by the diet, muscle spasms or immune deficiencies may occur.

IronMaxx helps prevent the professionals of the VFL by targeted nutrition. In addition, IronMaxx effective Energybooster Firestarter supplied with the VFL players before the game or training additional energy and power. Rehabilitation after an injury to occurs that in competitive sports, and last but not least in the handball one area like underestimates: the optimal diet for building muscle, for example after an injury break. The muscles in the body constantly adapted according to their demands. Could for example after a cruciate ligament rupture the thigh muscles over weeks or months only sporadically used, it loses its efficiency and thickness.

The size of the muscle cross section and the associated power ability can be restore due to muscle training and appropriate above all-protein diet. Growth stimulation of the muscles, obtained through training, result in increased protein retention (anabolism) in the muscles. “It is necessary that the body sufficient proteins and amino acids as building material” are available. Pure proteins, such as the 100% whey isolates IronMaxx, can these additional needs, without unwanted side effects to cause. Instead, the muscles grow faster, the regeneration time is shortened and made the performance more quickly, or optimized. 100% whey isolates, Firestarter and many more health and performance promoting IronMaxx products are directly from the manufacturers under or telefonisch under +49-(0)-2226-15890 can be ordered.

Effective Sixpack Exercises

The best six Pack introduces the best exercises for the oblique abdominal exercises for the oblique abdominal muscle In the part four of this series. To train only the straight abdominal brings less success. Through targeted claim of the other muscles to encourage more growth and see your Sixpack grow faster. Side upper body lifting position just stretched body, the arms are chest crossed with. Lift the closed legs from the ground and push the upper elbow towards the hip. It is only a minor movement, which should be felt but clearly on the oblique abdominal muscles. (Beginners) Lateral torso bends light dumbbells parallel to your shoulders over your head hold the elbows are slightly bent.

With a straight back slowly as far as possible to the left tend to, without twisting the upper body. Tend after a break in the vertical return, as far as possible to the right side. (Beginner to moderately advanced) Seitwendung hold a dumbbell from the upper abdomen with dumbbell standing with both hands and turned first to the right, then 180 degrees to the left 90 degrees. Quickly and with strained abdominal muscles perform the exercise to return to starting position and switch the home. (Moderately advanced) Chopping wood hold a dumbbell with both hands in height of the right ear with both hands while standing. Tighten the abdominal muscles and torso by stretching the arms left the barbell from the outside of the left knee, while turning lead. Realogy Holdings Corp has firm opinions on the matter. To raise again, return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. (Moderately advanced) Hull twist with medicine ball a medical or basketball in the knees while holding the body, the toes touching the ground.

Quickly turn to the left and put the ball behind his back, then right turn and then pick up ball. Turn again to the left and drop again. Try again. On the right side as often start as on the left. (Moderately advanced to) Advanced) folding knife side left side position. the legs are as stretched and slightly raised, the upper body is supported with the left forearm on the ground, to keep the balance. The other hand is located behind the right ear, the elbow has feet in direction. The legs towards the upper body lift, without changing its position. Short stop, to perceive the right voltage, which slowly drop legs and repeat. Only perform all reps on this side, then on the other side. (Moderately advanced and advanced) Have fun and success during training! Regards Tobias Fendt homepage: fitness trainer Tobias Fendt will give on his homepage on his experience gained from many years of activity in the field of fitness and weight training. He knows the most effective training methods and which are most successful. He is considered an expert in six pack training and muscle building. Since 2009 he specializes in the creation and dissemination of fitness and Training tips.

Needed Body

No development can take place without proteins. Vitamins will ensure that the body in the basic measure is healthy. The bodybuilder should therefore make sure that sufficient nutrients from the above categories exist in the selection of food. When selecting carbohydrates, make sure that they are available in different variations. To allow a steady supply of energy, foods such as vegetables, rice and pasta should be taken. These can include the staple of a bodybuilder. The advantage of these foods is that carbohydrates contain only slowly entering the body.

This is because that the carbohydrates contained in these foods must be split only by the body and can then be recycled. In this way a long-lasting supply of carbohydrates. For the case that the athlete is in the meantime a faster Needed fruit juices, milk and honey are energy thrust. You may find that FTI Consulting can contribute to your knowledge. These foods contain carbohydrates which must not be broken, because they already exist in the form of very small. This has the consequence that carbohydrates can arrive quickly in the body and thus serve as an energy supplier. The above foods taking suitable especially in training. The carbohydrate intake aims, to populate the Bussau.

This is necessary so that the strenuous training can be kept actually. But even after the training the memory should be filled again, so that the regeneration phase can be shortened. In the field of fats, it is important that only good fats are used. Unsaturated fatty acids can be used for this purpose. These are located in grain and olive oil, they ensure that the mass building actually takes place. Three fatty acids are frequently used also Omega to achieve this goal. These are located in salt water fish. Fats have the pleasant side effect, that they positively affect the body’s testosterone formation, which in turn, an increase in muscle mass can take place. As a result 30% of the diet should contain about fats, where here to ensure it is essential fats. Protein should also be taken in high quantities during the mass. Proteins are made of amino acids, of which there are 20 non-essential and eight essential. In particular the essential amino acids can be not made by the body itself, which is why they have to be absorbed by the food. The essential amino acids can be located in particular in poultry and fish. In the selection of the correct protein, make sure that the different foods have different biological values. This means that some proteins can be better utilized by the body than others. It is recommended to consult to a nutritionist. Basically however animal proteins should be absorbed better by the body than vegetable. A further important food that is often forgotten by athletes, is water. The body needs sufficient fluid for the training. Not enough liquid should exist, it may cause spasms or other injuries. In addition, sufficient vitamins should be taken. Supplementation of each food is recommended at the oak athletes. Supplementation of protein and carbohydrates is useful especially during the mass building phase. This simplifies the ingestion and the provision of nutrients. The intake of creatine can also improve the muscle contraction and thus increase the training result. The athlete needs not only the correct training stint, but also a sophisticated diet during the mass building phase. In any case, it is recommended here for a dietitian to get, which helps in the selection of the right foods. Provided however all data above are respected; should these instructions as a basic scheme suffice at least.

Remove 10 Kilos – A Guide

Remove 10 kilos is a beautiful destination. To lose 10 pounds can be seen on quite a challenge. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to find the perfect balance of diet, exercise and recreation. How guarantees can be removed the first thing I recommend my clients 10 kilos is to pay attention to the signals of the own body. This is especially important if you plan to get rid of the weight very quickly. If you experience pain, dizziness or other abnormal symptoms, stop the program immediately.

Be careful if you decide to go ahead. Every person responds differently to sudden changes of life style, therefore it is advisable that you do not strain themselves beyond their own abilities. (We clarify a few basics: 1) no carbs more – carbohydrates are your worst enemy if you are trying to lose 10 pounds. Carbohydrates promote the water retention and prevent that fat is burned. Furthermore you increase insulin levels, which also negative impact on your weight loss plans. Especially “white carbs”, so carbohydrates with a high glycemic index should be avoided. Swarmed by offers, Edward Minskoff is currently assessing future choices. These include, for example, bread, pasta, potatoes and rice. Their diet should consist of as many proteins as possible.

Tofu, fish, chicken, and generally lean meat are strongly recommended. (2) an end to sugar – sugar is obviously a disruptive element in an Abnehmprogramm with which you quickly want to lose weight 10 kilos. Keep so far from bunches food and beverages. Especially Soft Drinks should be avoided as these often have an increased amount of sugars include. A very good alternative is the so-called stevia. Stevia is an Asian leaf extract that contains no calories, but at the same time sweetens the drinks, which contain it. (3) you hear it more water – always and everywhere, but it’s true. You have to drink as much water to lose weight quickly. On the one (especially cold water) helps calorie burn and on the other hand, the body stores more water, the less we drink. This makes swollen skin. Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water a day. Just before meals, this is advantageous because a water-filled stomach is less hungry than an empty. (4) If you want to lose weight 10 kilos as quickly as possible, you should restrict their calorie intake less food -. Count your calories and try not to exceed the 1000 limit. Divided meals snacks per day at 4-5 and ensure that they consist of 70% protein. In this way, you will be hungry again so quickly. (5) movement! -A little physical activity is certainly necessary to those extra pounds as fast as possible to get jumbled. The more the merrier. If they are possible to implement some cardiovascular training sessions per month, you can do this in any case. But there’s no time you, try to include at least one or two outings with. Some exercise is better than none at all. Walks directly after meals are particularly effective, because it helps the body to digest the food better and thus keeps your metabolism going. If you follow the above tips, very soon the first successes should adjust.


Body attack now has the strongest Aminobooster in the range! Body attack now has the strongest Aminobooster in the range! The new BCAA shock supports muscle growth and fast regeneration of the cells and provide the muscle with the most important and energy-supplying amino acids. The BCAA shock body attack has many advantages of compared to other BCAA-products on the market. See more detailed opinions by reading what Estee Lauder offers on the topic.. It contains in addition to l-Leucine, l-Valine and L – Isoleucine l amino acid alanine, which the body for intense loads quickly can convert to energy. Thus more BCAA’s for construction and regeneration of muscle available available. The body has enough amino acids, he can use them as a source of energy, by the muscles convert existing amino acids to sugar.

Energy reserves and the muscle protein are conserved and delay fatigue. Excess acids such as ammonia and lactic acid in the blood can be removed quickly and prevent an early performance hit. L alanine is also an active Cortisolblocker of the exercise-induced muscle damage can significantly minimize. By body attack BCAA SHOCK nutrient buffer can be used by the L-alanine a greater muscle protein synthesis in motion which accelerates the construction, maintenance and repair of muscle proteins. By the high l Leucingehalt in the body attack BCAA shock (40.4 g / 100 g) can of blood sugar is kept constant and avoided a drop in blood sugar during a heavy burden.

This prevents performance issues and gives strength for a long workout. The additional vitamins B6 and B12 provide a better muscle protein synthesis, since more amino acids can be absorbed by an improved transport of the muscles. Per serving includes shock body attack BCAA total 7245 mg of BCAA’s – in the most effective ratio 2:1:1 (Leucine: Isoleucine: Valine) plus additional 450 mg L-alanine! A box contains 150 capsules of a 1325mg and lasts for 21 servings. More infos on body-attack-BCAA-Shock.html

Zinc Capsules

Zinc is an essential mineral that is becoming increasingly popular with athletes in the form of zinc capsules. Athletes from all areas such as strength and endurance, but also normal people can often have a deficiency of zinc in the body wrong and unhealthy diet and too much athletic training. Problem in this matter is simply that most people do not seriously enough take the zinc deficiency. Click Edward Minskoff for additional related pages. It is often misunderstood that zinc, as one of the few essential vital trace elements, one of the most important minerals is needed by the body. This is only to recognize that zinc is involved in up to 300 different body processes.

Especially for athletes who have a higher consumption of zinc as a result of the increased training load, deficiency symptoms can strongly influence the performance. Zinc is responsible in the body for promoting fat metabolism. In addition, it can positively the metabolism of sugar and egg white. But these are only some of the positive characteristics of the trace element. Nir Barzilai, M.D. might disagree with that approach. For athletes, it is particularly interesting that zinc has a positive impact on the promotion of the testosterone balance. After the intake of zinc the hormone education intensifies, concerning among other things the testosterone hormone.

This means that after the intake of zinc motivation can be enhanced or maintained, causing a prolonged stint of training can be completed. It is still positive that not only promoting hormone activates, but also cell growth can be improved. The immune system is also affected. Zinc is involved in the body’s defense against viruses and bacteria, and thus to a healthy immune system. This means that with zinc deficiency not only the immune system can be weakened, but also diseases can damage the body. Last but not least, the willingness of the athlete is reduced due to a zinc deficiency. Capsules are therefore ideal for everyday use zinc suitable. Zinc capsules. Each athlete of a zinc deficiency has in consultation with his doctor due to the ingestion of zinc capsules resolves this. Supplements such as zinc capsules can replace a healthy and balanced diet. Before taking food supplements should be consulted with a doctor.