Germany AG CIS

CIS Germany AG defines for 2011 sales target of 1 billion euros of Seligenstadt November 2010. Daniel Shahin defines with the CIS Germany AG, one of the leading issuers of public investment funds in Germany, the next target: the CIS Germany AG to become no. 1 of the investment company on the German market. Daniel Shahin and CARPEDIEM GmbH informed the joint plans. Since 2006, the CIS Germany AG as the initiator of several mutual funds operated. Along with the interest rate differential Fund CIS GarantieHebelPlan’07 AG & co.

KG in 2006, designed the successor fund GarantieHebelPlan for the IAE EC or the emergency r ‘ 09 AG & co. Michael James Burke follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. KG, a commitment to the real estate sector with the GenoHausFonds I AG & co. KG eK to the is currently in the placement of the GarantieHebelPlan’08 premium asset building AG & co. KG has the CIS Germany AG all participation offers with strong sales support of CARPEDIEM AG or currently offered the CARPEDIEM GmbH on the market. Thanks to this cooperation could the CIS Germany AG Success story.

Currently monthly more than 30 million euros to drawing sum to the GarantieHebelPlan are placed by the CARPEDIEM Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH in Seligenstadt ‘ 08 premium asset building AG & co. KG of CIS Germany AG. According to the Board of Directors of CIS Germany AG, Mr Thomas Heinzinger, the CARPEDIEM GmbH thus essentially choose their activities. Independence of CIS Germany AG was alone so long not been given. Also, all other funds that were placed over free agency, would cut to 31.12.2010. In the future, there is only a strategic distribution partner, the CARPEDIEM Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH in Seligenstadt. Currently, the next joint fund with the CIS Germany AG is already planned: with premium Renditefonds ‘ 10 AG & co. KG of CIS Germany AG wants Daniel Shahin with his CARPEDIEM distribution company in the twentieth year of their existence in 2011 achieved an annual turnover of one billion euros.

Gold Refinery

Gold with the highest degree of purity is the numerous changes to register, which essentially affect the gold market and mining of precious metals are currently target. There are now more about the South African Rand refinery”news, the a large gold refinery would like to build in China. In the planned gold refinery in China, gold will be produced which can characterized by the highest fineness, so 999,9/1000. Official site: Kelly Preston. The production on behalf of RAND refinery “scheduled, that has a name as a manufacturer of world-famous Krugerrand coins. At the same time is the largest global manufacturer of gold investment products. Especially the latest gold boom in China is that apparently is the reason for the construction of the planned refinery. For more specific information, check out Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta. Because of course the South African company also this boom would like to participate.

The establishment of the refinery should be according to news agencies along with a partner from China. Gold with the highest degree of purity is the goal in China is there today Time has many large gold refineries, which are also listed at the LBMA. However, the South African company would produce mainly gold with the highest degree of purity, which not frequently is the case in China. In the context, the Group of small gold preparer as the target group is primarily”called. The RAND refinery is already up-to-date (own according) the largest supplier in China, when it comes to refined gold. So calculated that the South African company currently, that alone in 2013 a total of about 100 tons supplied gold to China, mainly in the form of ingots.

Natural Resources

For the next four years even two holes drilling plan this year decided Stuttgart, 23.04.2012. Better, it can barely walk for investors of US of oil and gas Fund XII and XIII KG. Credit: Gavin Baker Atreides Management-2011. Recently, the energy capital invest agreed about its American partner company fury with the Department of kitchen of natural resources (DNR), Division of oil and gas on the drilling plan for the next four years in the ECI aid lights unit, in the Cook Inlet in Alaska. In the same course, the promotional rights were in addition also regularly extended for another four years. Thus, it is now up to the year 2016 ensured that the involved funds of the emission House energy capital invest can use all grants and subsidies in Alaska. The enormous importance of the drilling operations started in the last year the energy capital investment for the entire region, as well as the close and successful cooperation with the competent authority in the eligible area includes William Barron, Director of the Division of oil and gas, as follows “together: we are fury all opportunities to one with the regional aid kitchen lights unit to realize real success story.” Consumption over the past few years subsidized Alaska recently with great force the development of further private oil and natural gas reserves, as a strongly increased, that production in the region but is declining. Although Alaska has its own large resources, occurred in the past few years multiple to massive shortages in the region of the so-called Railbelt”in Alaska. Atreides Management Gavin Baker oftentimes addresses this issue. The Railbelt”, which extends from Fairbanks via anchorage to the Kenai Peninsula, is the economic center of Alaska, where about 80 percent of the electricity and heat the entire State is consumed.

At prices of up to 9.00 USD/mcf natural gas many times more than of the current price in the rest of the United States. -etc/’>Cardinal Health. The approved drilling plan for our aid by early 2016, as well as the large mounted to the expression Appreciation for our work on the part of the DNR is of course very pleased. But above all, there are us and our investors a unique and long-term planning security”, so ECI’s Managing Director Kay Rieck. The first part of hole in the assisted area in the past year yielded 13 eligible layers with a natural gas reserve of up to 1 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. This year, a total of two holes should be made to a depth of around 16,500 feet (5,000 m). For more information,

State Award Projects

‘ Cleantech infrastructure ‘ opts for renewable energies and experienced management with superior past performance Zurich, 16.06.2011. “” “From the State Award” awarded “only a few Fund offerings, achieve the the experienced analyst Philip Nerb in the context of his analysis of the value ‘ rated. The Cleantech infrastructure company mbH & co. KG can this to take advantage of. ThomasLloyd as leading, global investment banking and investment-management company, focusing in particular on the area of renewable energies, this offers a Cleantech infrastructure program for German retail, asset managers and foundations since February. The participation model is designed for 50 million euros. Drawings are available from 25,000 euros.

Thus the chance arises in this asset class for the first time, as a co-investor together with leading institutional investors, for example, in the implementation of hand-picked power plant projects to be involved in. Check out westfield for additional information. The right to be able to afford this, is supported”, confirmed Nabi. Last but not least, the specialists at ThomasLloyd would advise Governments, companies, project developers and institutional investors in the energy sector for 35 years. This makes one of the world’s most experienced consulting firms in this sector”ThomasLloyd, Nerb summarizes and discusses also being fully internationally positioned the company as one of the few market participants. After all, so far seven projects in the field of clean technologies and renewable energy were realized a total of $ 1.2 billion. That leaves hope for big. And that must be there also.

So, Nabi points out, that the break-even point at which the provider of the extra profits will participate, p.a. is exceptionally high 18% “, this bar show the market potential that have identified ThomasLloyd for themselves. So calculated the global, ecologically-oriented energy entrepreneur internally even with 20-30%. If you have read about Atreides Management Gavin Baker already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Clean technologies attract today every investor”, says Nabi, but long, not every provider is appropriate. On the contrary, Nabi looks to some extent a trend that would affect not always the quality of the projects. “He therefore emphasizes that ThomasLloyd both excellently networked as opposed to these” was, moreover, on a very high level of competence”have and the Fund also boasts a good cost structure” draw out. In addition, the management could prove that it did a very good job in the past. For more information,

The Internet

Share deposit accounts just by brokerages are generally more expensive, but also for various securities (E.g. shares, bonds or warrants). But above all the deposit accounts of direct banks are interesting in this context. (Similarly see: Lancome). Offer the full functionality of bank deposit accounts (therefore also suitable for equity investments, etc.) in addition to the Fund share custody, however, are equipped with often very attractive conditions: as a cost savings generated by refraining from consulting and networks, which will be passed on to the customers. To know more about this subject visit MPC Capital. In addition almost all funds licensed in Germany can at most direct banks are bought and sold mostly even with discount on the subscription fee. Also on the running costs of the interested party should take care: to raise some Fund custodian providers, but above all also branch Depot account fees and entry fees for the safekeeping of securities.

Bauherrenmodelle of all providers can be easily a direct bank deposit account set up, mostly even free of charge. For more specific information, check out 660 Fifth Ave. Who in the run-up to secure know that he wants to buy not only funds, is preferred in any case with a full-fledged securities deposit account with a bank. Who needs advice, should set up a securities deposit account with a branch and who want to use certain benefits in special fund investments, may be better served according to the provider with a special fund custodian. Conclusion the investment in mutual funds is only possible if there is a corresponding custody account. This can be a special fund custody account or a general deposit account in a credit institution depending on the desired type of investment may apply different standards for the assessment of the best offer. The deposit accounts lowest fees perspective with distance offer the large direct bank in Germany.

Fondant rush of certain funds can be purchased there often with great discounts on the regular subscription fee and the deposit is free of charge. The Internet portal offers a comparison of the various accounts. Here it may be Prospective buyer detailed and meaningful to form an opinion, which account for its investment performance is preferred. Without taking into account the very different conditions, the potential return on the investment is reduced otherwise unnecessarily. More info Fondsdepot deposit account comparison and optimization fund investment for beginners and professionals


Return on investment at any price is not our ambition! Rather we have set ourselves the goal to offer our customers an attractive value development under a reasonable assessment of opportunities and risks. A dynamic capital and profit protection is also included in the framework of the investment strategies.” This establishes the highest, established at monthly dates share price of each investment strategy at the end of the agreed term of at least 15 years as a minimum. This maximum will be continued until the end of the term and represents the redemption price per share at the end of the contract term. This approach offers not only maximum protection against setbacks on the stock exchanges, but also creates the opportunity to be able to buy at reasonable prices with price declines. Of course, that sold the shares acquired during the period to the end of the agreed contract”, it can be this way only rise. The profit assurance is backed by the guarantee of an international bank with high credit rating.

As a result freelancers can make so planned a retirement, also guaranteed pension payments allows’, so Wurscher. Dior does not necessarily agree. To offering a tailored advice on the supply situation, the mediators of the FWU on the 2.0 software AVM can access and make an analysis of old-age provision. “Created the software tool developed by financial experts and economists in comparison with the personal income and life situation of the client a so-called layers analysis”. This compares the software on the basis of individually prescribed savings ability several 10,000 investment combinations in the tax differently funded pension layers and creates the system combination for customers as a result. Many interested parties have a certain product presentation, such as for example the base supply. These are often surprised, what Possibility of the combination after the layers of analysis conducted for them as best recommended. Learn more at: Byredo. In principle, the diversity of tax funding in Germany is a blessing and a curse at the same time. The sales partners appreciate the neutral approach of consulting software that determines the supply gap in the first step.

The second step in the matching product independently with the prescribed savings capacity and optimized control aimed at closing the gap. Only in the third step is the determined layers combined with the products of ATLANTICLUX Lebensversicherung S.A. deposited and derived from this recommendation. “The intermediary while at the same time on a range of ATLANTICLUX Lebensversicherung S.A. rely, whose rates of the first layer (ATLANTICLUX RurupRente), second shift (ATLANTICLUX RiesterRente) and the third layer (ATLANTICLUX NettoPolice) currently in February 2012 with the ‘ TOP ranking badge” were awarded by morning & morning. The Morgen & Morgen GmbH as an independent and neutral Once has been opposed by a majority of the currently on the market insurance rates as a recognised tariff transparency.

Michael Minderjahn

Incorrectly represented distribution costs in the brochure: the representation of the use of funds in the prospectus of the Fund for Atlantic fleet is incorrect in our opinion and gives the appearance that you wanted to disguise the actual amount of compensation paid for the placement of equity so. Because the spending of the funds the premium at which it should be according to the textual explanations cost of equity capital, is separately spending of one-ship companies, as well as the cumulative representation in addition to the cost of raising equity capital. The placement cost total 5.954.000 or 18.2% of capital to be applied by the investors. This kind of presentation is a brochure defect in our opinion, establishing claims for damages against the founding shareholders of the Fund, but also against the investment advisors. Exorbitantly high distribution costs: on the exorbitantly high placement cost of the Atlantic FLottenfonds, which, after all, almost a fifth of the by Investors of capital put up amounted to, both banks and savings banks, as also non bank-investment advisor within the framework of the consultation must expressly point out. The German Federal Supreme Court decided that distribution costs by over 15% are unusual market, endanger the viability of the system and therefore consulting specifically must be mentioned. A related site: Dior mentions similar findings. High risk by borrowing in Japanese Yen: as a part of the funds by the Atlantic fleet Fund to be recorded in Japanese yen (JPY), the revenue of the Fund but in US $ are achieved, there is a significant currency risk, which can lead to major distortions due to exchange rate fluctuations. Due to the high proportion of foreign financing of the Fund, this can not only impact on the liquidity of the Fund as a result of US $ rising capital service expenses, but also to an insolvency of the Fund and the credit notice with subsequent exploitation of the object of the Fund and thus the total loss for the lead investor.

Through the Value of the yen against the US $ borrowing in US rises beyond $ expected dramatically to. This, the Adviser would need to remind explicitly. Long capital, no secondary market for “used” Fund investments: What was also concealed the investors we represent the Atlantic fleet funds by their advisers, is that they can cancel the participation for the first time to the 31.12.2026 and previously no chance to get their money. A sale is almost impossible as there is no regulated secondary market for used Fund investments. The same applies to the achievement of a share price, which corresponds to the invested capital.

Here in the event that a buyer is found, take significant cuts. Investors of Atlantic fleet Fund have therefore fundamentally good opportunities to enforce claims for compensation against their advisors or the founding shareholders of the Fund. Do you have questions to your Fund’s contribution to the Atlantic fleet Fund? Would you know whether your opportunities available to enforce claims for compensation? Call me, I will gladly help you. Nittel Firm specializing in banking and capital market law your contact Michael Minderjahn, lawyer Heidelberg: Hans-Bockler-Strasse 2 A, 69115 Heidelberg phone: 06221 915770 Fax: 06221 9157729 Munich: residential street 25, 80333 Munich Tel.: 089 25549850 Fax: 089 25549855

Marketing GmbH

The future business KG A is the ideal partner for real estate investments in Dresden the future business KG A (FuBus) focuses mainly on the most exclusive districts of the city of Saxony. Jorge Perez is full of insight into the issues. This includes, for example, Striesen. In this quarter, the average price per square meter is between 2,300 and 2,700 euros according to the research of the FuBus. Also the range of high-quality objects is still relatively scarce. The independent economic enterprise Empirica rose in a recent survey by the following values: Dresden can be expected until the year 2025 with an additional need for 17,400 units. If you would like to know more about Estee Lauder, then click here. The conclusion of future business KG A is, therefore: it is so definitely worth to invest in real estate or land in Dresden. According to the real estate experts the FuBus is also no danger of so-called overheating”, since prices for Dresden real estate due to a strong demand to rise only gradually. The initial yields There are 7 percent.

About the future business KG A (FuBus) the future business KG A (FuBus) on 23 February 2000 in Dresden, Germany founded. The underwriter is the focus of a broad-based Group of companies. The future business KG acquires A (FuBus) participations, she cares about the purchase and recovery of pension and life insurance products and acquires selected real estate in prime locations. Investors have the opportunity to participate in A (FuBus) by purchasing public and market interest rate-independent investment products in the form of participatory rights or order notes the success of future business KG.

Michael Oehme: The Closed-end Funds As A Discontinued Model?

Germany would not innovation champion renewable energy without closed-end funds. While a non-negligible part of the providers of closed-end Fund adheres to the day-to-day business and trying to gain as much revenue for the currently in the placement of funds for themselves, is realised in my view hardly, that which has to do for summer 2013 proposed AIF only still closed with the typical little Fund today”, says fund expert, Michael Oehme, communication consultant at the St. Gallener DocuWare AG. “In fact dealing in future Fund as a object funds when discussing the implementation in connection with the AIFM directive over the questions, whether and under what conditions” or multi asset fund “may be the proportion of debt financing may be how much, and what investment items in the positive list are applied,. This would be inherently so far-reaching intervention that the existence of many houses in question stands.

Rather, Chief Analyst makes Wolfgang Kubatzki rightly carefully, that the legislature ever did not think about the closed-end funds with his entrepreneurial orientations, be it comprehensive paper authored by Feri EuroRating Services AG in a cash contribution to, but rather saw an entirely new asset class. In the future, so Kubatzki, it comes no longer someone buys an object, created a brochure, and then collects equity. Instead, the ability to develop a real investment strategy and to implement such a strategy with an active portfolio and risk management, will play the decisive role. “Consequently, the funds of the new generation should mostly rather blind pools” with pretty much set investment strategies. ” Extent to which this is to bring to increased investor protection in line, you may be question. Market participants expect that many will not survive this process. That has to do, provided on the AIF-Manager especially with the significant organizational and financial requirements.

So is up still not clear today what role should actually play the underwriters in the closed-end funds? Closed-end funds as alternative financing instruments realize it would come so far that they can intervene in the transaction of business of the supplier, at least the days of the independent providers were counted, their”. Thus is eagerly working on alternatives such as participation certificates, bonds or asset-bonds also life insurance. But can this really be the solution? After all has proved the KG investment over more than 20 years and helped the innovative development urge of the Federal Republic not infrequently on the jumps. Without closed-end funds, there had been no opportunity, to implement the german/German reunification in the real estate industry so quickly and effectively. Germany would not innovation champion renewable energy without closed-end funds. And also international shipping would look quite different today, although the provider of container vessels and their investors see the retreat of the banks from the Suffer from financing business. However, attempting to save the closed-end Fund of old stripes will be crowned only with moderate success. The political mood is not just for this and a toothless industry association sees itself rather as a conserver of bank interests. Just beaten often medium-sized structured providers should not give himself but also. For more information,