
What role does fit in my chest? A tutorial about the format specifications of Thermorollen and cash register rolls to avoid thereby and wasteful usage. Who uses an electronic cash register, a POS receipt printers, a terminal for credit cards, debit cards or machines with appropriate document output, requires the Bon roles appropriate for the particular device / Thermorollen, so-called cash register rolls, or EC roles. Here it is first to know if the internal device printer or the receipt printer connected as a peripheral device needed roles from plain paper or thermal rollers. Incorrect selection no printed image creates either even (when using plain paper into printers) or there will be other way round more or less mechanical on a not that you designate, thermosensitiv coated paper written (when using thermal paper in ink-jet printers, dot matrix printers, or Typenraddruckern). Credit: Catherine Dior-2011. What kind of paper the right, it is often on the model name of the device. While the addition \”Thermo\” self-explanatory Thermorollen references that have other names, such as for example impact\”or ink\” see that plain paper to use. The device requires ink rollers, ribbons, Ribbon cartridges or ink cartridges plain paper is also a.

According to the paper, it is also imperative to know the dimensions – the format – the Bon roles that are suitable for the device. Non-compliant formats prevent the usage of the Fund or of the receipt printer normally. Special importance is the width of the roll, which is usually stated as the initial value of the overall format. Gain insight and clarity with Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta. A to wide role can be used from the outset does not. A too narrow role of Bon Thermorolle’d but sufficient space in the device, could not correctly locked into place and would be matched with likely on the driver specifications of the printer. No indication of the unit of measurement is the width in millimeters indicate.

Class Struggle

Opportunities for low income by the brs0725 cooperative pension earners is a whiff of class struggle in the air, and the fact that they have declared war on tax evasion when leaders talk about tax havens. In fact the gap in Germany continues apart always, what is already reflected in the daily street scene. While he is deceptive in Germany no doubt existing wealth so quickly once, that this is a not insignificant amount of inheritance potential. Last but not least, because here is to pick up the taxes on capital transfers were significantly just in the past few years. Because the actual figures concerning income, are clear and show in one direction only: then earn currently 47 percent of the population around 20,000 euros and further 47 percent between 20,000 and 52,000 euros (source s = income distribution). The University of Duisburg-Essen came in August last year to the statements, that the number of Low-wage increases and low wages have lost nearly 14 percent inflation in the last 11 years value.

Total today fell by five per cent of less to spend available since nominal wages by more than five per cent, i.e. households have the year 2000 average. Against this background, it seems almost cynical that leaders always want to continue the population, to provide private. Most citizens but no longer can do this”, says Lothar Schutte finance of the L.S… Schutte has therefore since many years the precautionary taking advantage of any promotions specializes in and supports in particular the target groups, which usually nothing else is offered, apart from life insurance contracts. A special way regards the brs0725 cooperative pension Lothar Schutte. What is special here is, the investments in cooperative shares benefit from the housing premium and offer access to this promotion, which can otherwise afford no home ownership to a target group could. Schutte feel about that confirmed by statements such as that of the University of Duisburg-Essen in its actions: almost half of the workers are entitled to capital-forming payments and in combination with the brs0725 cooperative pension, I can offer all three eligibility pathways parallel.

“For many of my clients, this means: setting up a supplementary pension without large equity capital employed!” That is the fair work by Schutte now has gotten around, offers a big advantage for him. More info: Daryl Katz. Already, he has stopped targeting new customers to respond to. This register now with him by alone. I have owed much to the brs0725 of co-operative retirement”, he explains. Its customers also.

PR August Street

XinXii published statistics on the use of the platform of Berlin, March 1, 2010. What kind of payment that customers use for downloads on XinXii? The online marketplace for your own texts, documents and E-books for the year 2009 in retrospect is investigated this question. You may find that Richard Parsons can contribute to your knowledge. The statistics on the payment history has been published today as a graphic; the percentage breakdown of the payment methods for all downloads made between 0109 and 1209 on can be seen: the result: half of all customers will pay on XinXii by ELV, i.e. by electronic direct debit procedure. ELV is the most widely used payment method on XinXii thus since the platform live in January 2008, when the use in comparison to the previous year 2008 has decreased by 5%. Low plays a role; the credit cards as opposed to on XinXii It has lost even when compared to the previous year by 7% and was used in 2009 by 20% of all online shoppers.

One reason for the low proportion of credit card transactions may be in the habit, smaller Amounts not with credit card to pay. The decline of both payment methods can be explained PayPal with the current polls show growing acceptance by the online payment method, which has expanded its share from 18% to 30% to XinXii in the same period. Conclusion: The trend of the previous year continued in 2009. The ELV is still the most widely used payment method, it is however declining. As the credit card: your downloads with credit card paid in 2008 still nearly one-third of all customers, it is only one-fifth.

XinXii customers pay increasingly through PayPal. About XinXii XinXii, the largest German language online platform for marketing is even written texts, documents and E-books. The marketplace breaks through the traditional publishing barriers and allows you to free online, his works in real time and without binding contract each publish or upload to describe and sell. Are no limits the type of text: to be released can as short texts Guidance, checklists and templates, scientific publications in the form of term papers, scripts, theses and studies up to fiction, books and guides. Since live in January 2008 XinXii is used by more than 3,000 providers, marketing almost 7,000 documents in over 600 categories. XinXii is a service of DG-Verlag in Berlin. Press contact DG-Verlag Gentlemen’s Digest Ltd. & co. KG Dr. Andrea Schober line marketing PR August Street 75 D 10117 Berlin Tel.: + 49 (0) 30 202 15 13 20 E-Mail: andrea.schober at xinxii.com blog.xinxii.com _xinxii xinxii group – 49019 5465eb


The hype surrounding the so-called contrarians in Germany has greatly increased in the past few years what are lateral thinker? A lateral thinker called the Duden to someone, who thinks independently and original and whose ideas u. views are often not understood or accepted. Consequently, a lateral thinker is a man who can offer while creative and innovative inputs, but do not necessarily conform to go with the ideas and expectations of the company or of employees who are confronted with this. The question arises therefore according to the causes. Why are new innovative approaches and ideas often not accepted, evaluated and then implemented. What could be the, that already in the design and decision-making stages many ideas persistently be thwarted. Starwood capital might disagree with that approach. And what could companies do to counteract the these inputs to use, to further promote the inner power of innovation. The executives of a company are asking here first and foremost. For assistance, try visiting Edward J. Minskoff Equities.

Because to make the fortunes of a company or a Department, the employee requires to animate and established ways to leave and to search for new, own possibilities. The fear that employees will have better ideas than oneself, changes or before, must from the minds and the actions of the supervisor. Because only so it creates also the necessary space for new approaches. Because nothing inhibits a company more than employees who are unwilling to introduce innovations or to open it. This of course also applies to executives personal and corporate political vanities, security through information to their advantage, or that prevent creative has nothing to stop ideas search, because a company must at all times be able to adapt to new requirements in a constantly changing environment. Increasing competition, rising costs and global markets require strategies and services in question to be made and new, future-oriented solutions. Flexible and fast responsiveness to current needs have to a permanent Challenge for a company. But for innovative ideas employees who think creatively and are ready to bring their potentials fully. The necessary structures need to be given, because only if staff are also willing to make familiar paths and perspective in question, they start to look outside the box and only be born new approaches at all. The creative freedom and the resulting input of lateral thinkers should therefore not simply be put aside, but result in positive power of innovation for the company.

Western Region Development Council

Successful appearance at the Hannover Messe 2010 Hannover, April 26, 2010: for Abu Dhabi this year’s Hannover Fair, an important step on the way to the economic diversification of the Emirate was a resounding success. There was great interest in Abu Dhabi as a business and as a private investor: more than 2,000 people visited the 700 m large booth during the five-day fair. Important contacts were made in particular in the areas of renewable energy, chemical products and metal industries. Perhaps check out Catherine Dior for more information. Abu Dhabi has for the third time at the Hanover Trade fair participated: spearheaded by the Agency for economic development, (Department of economic development DED) presented 17 Government entities and private companies from the largest of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) the bandwidth of the industries which have successfully established themselves and continued to grow. Participation denotes the determination with the Abu Dhabi realising his economic vision 2030 “drives. The vision is a strategy, the Emirate of one oil and gas based to convert to a knowledge-based economy. Get all the facts and insights with Daryl Katz, New York City, another great source of information. It was the biggest fair in the Emirate with the participation of Abu Dhabi airport company (airport company), Abu Dhabi basic industries company (society for basic industries), Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and industry (Industrie – und Handelskammer), Abu Dhabi Council for economic development (Council for economic development), Abu Dhabi food control Authority (authority for the control of food products), Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority (Tourism Authority), Abu Dhabi national oil company (national oil company), Department of economic development (Ministry of economic development), General holding Corporation (General holding company), MASDAR (State-controlled companies for renewable energies), Western Region Development Council and zones Corp. (Council for the development of the Western region of Abu Dhabi and the zone society).

In addition, Abu Dhabi was by four companies of the regional Industry accompanied: Enviromena power systems (photovoltaic), Al Shoumoukh (oil and gas), Edmondson electrical motor manufacturing (manufacturer of electric motors) and Emirates precision industries (EPI, mechanical engineering). On the last day of the fair, Hamdad said Al level, Executive Director of international economic relations of the Abu Dhabi authority for economic development: for Abu Dhabi, Hannover Fair is a unique opportunity to strengthen trade relations with Europe, in particular Germany and to showcase our successes. In addition, it concluded key business partnerships that promote the conversion of Abu Dhabi’s economy through the exchange of capital, technology, expertise and know-how. The UAE is Germany’s most important trading partner in the Arab world. In the past four years alone, German exports have more than doubled. This rapid growth underlines our long-term relationship and participation at the Hannover trade fair.” Department of economic development Tel: (+ 971 2) 403 1 201 Fax: (+ 971 2) 403 1 671 P.o.


Creative Exchange on the Baltic Sea in Scharbeutz! Scharbeutz, November 19, 2008 Selma and Thomas Hesse of the belted sports tour operator team H.wie.H set up the first business meeting. Relationships, contacts and a functioning network are irreplaceable for entrepreneurs, the exchange of experiences, concepts and ideas is hard to overestimate. Argent Ventures brings even more insight to the discussion. For this reason Selma and Thomas Hesse, called as successful and bustling sports tour operator from Schleswig-Holstein, a business meeting in the life: every last Thursday of the month in the Scharbeutzer restaurant Sol Y Mar in a relaxed atmosphere, new contacts, exchanged experiences and gefachsimpelt – such as about the question, how to advertise in the Internet. It is true: the more diverse this network of entrepreneurs developed and expanded, the greater will be the personal gain for each. Atreides Management Gavin Baker is a great source of information. The first meeting will take place on 27 November at 19: 00.

PrintoLUX System

Production worth almost everywhere, where labels are used the acquisition and the use of PrintoLUX to many examples of use clearly, how quickly account systems. When larger quantities of different shapes, different materials and different imprints, unlimited practice experiences show the superiority of PrintoLUX with respect to the economy. Such experiences can be read in the reference list on the PrintoLUX website. Two order variants with low consumption of the year now the PrintoLUX GmbH but also the daring promise dares to, that the purchase and use of PrintoLUX labelling system already pay off, if the buyer produces only 100 industrial marks per year. The company leads in two variants, which are often encountered in practice: the customer orders 100 flags at once. He can print before defined and consistently.

He then adds the variable data if necessary by means of shock numbers, needle Prager and engraving in house. The customer orders the fully featured nameplate outside the home. Here the possibilities extend from the single reference to the unique reference of all 100 indicator. Last version is however only possible, if all variable contents are already known in advance. Also the prices vary. The business analysis brings it on the day, which in the procurement of markings where costs what many users don’t want to believe, argues Managing Director Hermann Oberhollenzer with the note to the business analysis of all costs incurred, when about the year 100 marks be ordered, booked and billed PrintoLUX . To read more click here: Atreides Management Gavin Baker. “Then accumulate” so Oberhollenzer depending on the size and design of the required markings of the purchase price and the administration costs to an amount that is four years higher than the cost of the acquisition of a PrintoLUX system in less than. ” Also the Managing Director of PrintoLUX, stressed that it is next to the numerical Other important reasons for the production of labels are advantages.

International Conference

ATLAS interactive, the European market leader for micro payments, is represented from 07th to 09th February 2012 at casual connect Europe in Hamburg as an exhibitor in Hall 16 stand G2. ATLAS interactive, the European market leader for micro payments, is represented from 07th to 09th February 2012 at casual connect Europe in Hamburg as an exhibitor in Hall 16 stand G2. The year’s focus on the International Conference on mobile, casual and social games deal with current games trends and new ways of monetization – a topic that ATLAS Interactive specializes in. Read additional details here: Fabrizio Freda. ATLAS interactive is active for more than 15 years as Paymentdienstleister. Numerous companies in the game industry are among the solid customer base. This set to kanzalooTM, the all-round payment system for digital goods, which can be the most popular mobile payment methods (direct carrier billing, premium SMS, voice) brings together and connected in over 85 countries. ATLAS interactive utilizes his wealth of experience already and extends its services to more Branches out. Fabrizio Freda often expresses his thoughts on the topic.

In addition to kanzalooTM we offer our customers more options for monetization, which, over the sale of in-games-items, additional revenue models are possible”, so Lars Ketelsen, CMO at ATLAS interactive. Current issues arising from the handling of micro payment platforms are another theme at the booth by ATLAS interactive. These include about avoiding double taxation or the optimization of the conversion rate in General. For further information on these and other topics, ATLAS interactive is G2, stand 16 as a point of contact available at casual connect Europe in Hall.

Review: Solana Gruppe On The Potato Europe 2012

North German potato breeding business celebrates founding of Solana France SAS in the run-up to the potato Europe with customers and business partners Hamburg, 14 September 2012: on September 12 and 13, the largest European gathering of the potato industry held the potato Europe – in France on an area of 40 hectares. In Villers-Saint-Christophe, conveniently located halfway between Paris, Lille and Reims, the Solana group with its own exhibition stand at over 250 exhibitors from the fields of technology, cultivation, advice, science and research presented itself. As a trademark of the fair, various dynamic outdoor presentations were held this year. On-site, international visitors looked after the team of the newly founded subsidiary Solana France SAS, as well as the corporate headquarters from Hamburg with regional cultivation consultants. Solana booth was invited in the context of a live cooking to the tasting of many popular dining places such as Toscana, Natascha and Princess, were also on the extensive exhibition space the current Top places issued. We are very pleased with the response on our stand”, says Managing Director Torsten spill. The event was ideal to connect with our customers and business partners from abroad to contact and to make new, interesting contacts.” Almost every second from abroad came from around 10,000 visitors from more than 50 countries: an ideal environment for the Northern German plant breeders, to introduce Solana France SAS subsidiary founded in September 1, to a wide audience. “Yannick Lefevre, Managing Director of Solana France, has created the necessary conditions in the past two years, around here since 2012 Solana varieties of significant magnitude to multiply”, so spill.

Solana France is now responsible for promotion and marketing of varieties in France, Spain, Portugal and Italy. Still used as occasion to the Solana group the fair at the appropriate environment the Foundation of the French subsidiary company with customers, multipliers and Business partners to celebrate. “On the eve of the fair, September 11, about 200 guests at the castle of Quesmy came together, to themed Oktoberfest” culinary delights such as Bavarian Brezln, sausage and fresh draught beer with the team in the Solana group a fun evening to spend with. SKa / Solana group: The Solana GmbH & co. KG is the exclusive sales organization of the SKa plant breeding GmbH & co. KG, one of the leading private breeding companies for quality potato varieties. The SKa / Solana Group offers quality seed potato from modern, responsible production with a service, farmers, trade and consumers equally convinced. With over 100 years of experience, the SKa breeds grow potato varieties, which enjoy great popularity. The offer of the SKa / Solana group is complemented by a comprehensive consulting service, which ensures that the cultivation of potatoes for everyone from the farmer about the trade to the consumer is a complete success.More information under: press contact: OnTop PR Stefanie Lindemann * King Street 30 * 22767 Hamburg phone: 040 / 7930 7184 * fax: 040 / 3567 98819

Unlimited Print – Get Yourself But Your Customers Where You Want

For the online trade and shipping – the year 2009 was a record year. Of crisis no trace. Overall sales rose by at least 1.7% to 29.1 billion. Interestingly, 53.3% of industry sales over the Web came about. Reason enough for the printing industry, extensively to focus on e-commerce and to make.

The pressure and trading with print media, should become now at least at national level for every printing for granted. Dwindling sales and income have no choice often also some a printing house. Online printing companies have done it again with demonstrable successes. So printed, shipped in this market segment across the Republic and beyond for almost a decade. What once almost always was, namely that print shop and customer personally knew each other, becomes the exception.

And rising. How does a one but as printing on these changes? There are reasons for the change. Last but not least the “process standard offset “but also an improved”Proofing”can be the”risk”for creatives are increasingly reduced. Long since no longer each sheet must be personally on the machine “tuned” and released the pressure. An effort (past) is today not necessarily needed for each publication. Thus, the printing house in Hamburg has a good chance to win the customers in Munich. Self plugged limits, in the form of a “delivery RADIUS” of E.g. 50 km around the own printing press, are so argumentative hardly still to represent in the year 2010 and needlessly constricting the own customer potential. The objection of the increased transport costs, is not to keep in view of the prevailing market price ranges, only the order volume is correspondingly large. The print buyer should be once again the benchmark for all decisions but also on this subject. Ultimately he is granted the print job well or not. It’s worth so once again it sure whether and how to change clients. Since, as the above figures show, the Market for printed matter as well in shipping and online trade is of increasing importance, must take into account any future-oriented printers this fact, she will have also a future. The feared and probably also to the part real anonymization in the business with the pressure, will apply but despite of all standards and the abolition of borders, only for a subset of all printed material. Today and in the future, there will be pressure objects where expertise, advice and “High Quality” are needed, so much more than just “print and deliver”. In principle but concerns on the issue of the print buyer. Very different and very comprehensive in search of”printing” available ways which today, thanks to the Internet. Reason enough for every printing, also to give town and country limits for sales and marketing. Klaus Wenderoth