GFW Middle Class Forum

Grossmarkthalle became the culinary Boulevard after the SME Forum 2012 was held on two ships, the guests again solid ground under your feet this year. . To read more click here: Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta. The team of Frank Schwarz gastro Group (FAYAZ) transformed the Duisburg market Hall in a culinary Boulevard. At the 37th meeting, the Gesellschaft fur Wirtschaftsforderung Duisburg (GFW) welcomed around 350 guests. Led by Duisburg Mayor Soren link, Stefan Dietzfelbinger, CEO lower Rhine Chamber of industry and Chamber of Commerce, and Peter Joppa, Managing Director FrischeKontor Duisburg GmbH, GFW-chef Ralf Meurer guests could offer an equally extraordinary as authentic location. Between crunchy fruit, fresh vegetables and delicious specialities from the region were contacts and deepened existing business relationships. The Mayor of sausage production, marched in the wholesale market Hall in front of the guests showed particularly fond was. Frank Black is always good for a surprise,”said Soren link that outed himself as a die-hard fan of the sausage. It’s fun to be able to watch specialists from the middle class while working over the shoulder.

Food production to be touched.” Now Duisburg’s first citizen hopes that such an event again is a permanent facility on the wholesale market. The atmosphere here is simply unique.” The chefs were convinced this evening with a classic regional country kitchen. There was also a very delicious fried variant of Dutch specialty in addition to herring with onions in a bun. In addition, the guests settled taste the favourite meal of the Lord Mayor. Also in the culinary offering: fried mushrooms, baked potatoes, quiche, ham specialties, salami, ice and popcorn. The FAYAZ team did back all the work on this day. Such an event in the wholesale market hall is a logistical challenge”, praises FAYAZ’s Managing Director Frank Schwarz its staff and employees. We were around 30 people in use all day. And after the event all had to be mined again directly, because 20 traders on the market already are again at two o’clock for their customers.” Holger Bernert


You want something present and are looking for the optimal projector? You should pay attention to what… Now again begins the time of public viewings in the gardens, living rooms, and conference rooms. People meet again often for common events, be it personal or even professional. The core idea is the shared experience of a football game, a presentation or just from the last holiday pictures. What is this note? Public viewing means that all guests can see a picture or a movie. This is possible only with a larger image. Images in appropriate size of projectors can be projected on a wall or screen.

A feeling as in the theater or stadium is built for the spectators. The Beamer is suitable? Distinction is made on the basis of their light output projector. The Lichtleisung is called lumen (ANSI). The higher the value, the larger the light output. Darkened rooms, e.g. home, small video projector with a light output from 1500 lumens suitable for. Larger rooms with natural daylight, however, already require Beamer with a brightness of 2500 lumens and larger, to achieve a good quality image.

A projector with a light output is required for large spaces with daylight or public viewings in the garden of 3500 lumens and above. Public viewings are served by projectors with a light output of up to 20,000 lumens on large squares or in stages. How much is a projector? The price usually varies in the light output. The higher the light output, the higher the price. There is even a small video projector with a light line of 500 lumens for a correspondingly small price. The quality of these devices is to be desired however. Devices in this category can project only a small picture in very low light intensity. It is suitable in a fully darkened room.

Telemedicine Enters

Tele medicine Congress is not only a pure forecast for the next few years on April 2, 2014 in Munich that the structures change in health care, the first trends are already now clearly visible. Due to the demographic changes, but also by technical progress will arise new demands on the health care and pave the way for innovative areas such as tele-medicine. In the past few years many tele-medical applications and services could evolve. Dior is often quoted as being for or against this. Bavarian on the 2nd day of telemedicine, which takes place campus Grosshadern on Wednesday, the 2nd April at the Hospital of the University of Munich under the motto “on the pulse of telemedicine”, should above all the question be how health care can be supported through tele-medicine and what requirements must be met investigated. Univ. Prof. Dr. mult.

Eckhard Nagel, University Hospital Essen and Andreas Westerfellhaus of the German care Council will speak in the keynotes on these subjects. In addition to Mrs Minister Melanie Huml, the We were able to gain as a patron of this year’s tele-medicine Congress, welcome Dr. med. Max Kaplan, Bavarian Medical Association, Prof. Dr. med. Karl Walter Jauch, LMU Munich of University Hospital Grosshadern campus and organizer Dr.

med. Siegfried Jedamzik to an exciting day of the Congress with high-profile speakers and future-oriented topics. On the podium will be in addition by the Keynotespeaker include Dr. med. Wolfgang Krombholz (Kassenarztliche Vereinigung Bayern), Siegfried Hajjar (Bavarian hospital society e. V.), Nino Mangiapane (Federal Ministry of health), Susanne wall mountain (consumer Central Bundesverband e.V.) which discuss specific opportunities with regard to a transparent and patient-oriented health care. Seven workshops devoted to a wide range of make up the bulk of the Congress. These are divided into two sessions and discuss the topics: telemedicine in care and rehabilitation, drug treatment safety, health economics, telematics and German electronic health card, integrated Supply, public institutions and tele-medicine and medical apps. A special highlight will be the live demonstration of a complete telemedicine-supported supply chain using the example of stroke. This is done in cooperation with the Bavarian stroke competence networks, which Germany took a leading role. In addition to these, a variety of another Bavarian telemedical projects, which will be presented at the Congress and will present their research developments does exist. We invite hereby all interested in tele-medicine, experts and lay people to spend an interesting and informative day with us in Munich. The participation is free of charge for you. The tele-medicine day is certified by the Bavarian medical association with 6 training points. Information to the Congress and registration can be found on our website at or by phone at the number 0841 / 379 16 39. About your participation we would be happy.

DMS Intensive Seminars

Dates for the second half of 2013 of the 2 days intensive seminar enterprise content management: archiving, DMS, collaboration Sulzbach, 15 July 2013. The dates are fixed Zoller & partner ECM intensive seminars for the 2nd half of the year. In total, six events in Germany, Austria and the Switzerland are planned. Who wants to expand his knowledge around the topics of collaboration, enterprise content management, archiving and DMS, refresh, or get a first overview, is in good hands at this event, taking place successfully for over 15 years. “This is confirmed by the consistently positive reviews of participants: one of the best seminars that I’ve ever attended!” or entertaining, dynamic, good! About ++ “or” presentation: 10 out of 10 points. ‘ ” Reference character”. The two-day agenda covers all aspects of ECM solutions. Focuses on document management and electronic filing with topics such as market – and provider – product overview with Outlook to 2014, Document capture, differences in products to the automatic invoice processing, distinguishing features DMS – / ECM solutions, E-Mail and file system archiving, legal basis and procedure documentation and the development of an ECM strategy.

The seminar is rounded off by experience for the speakers, which can rely on a knowledge, the graphic representation of the topics with many practical examples, the views of current industry issues and the inclusion of the supplied tools and checklists. In this half of the dates found on 16th and 17th September 2013 in Hamburg, September 30 / 01 October 2013 in Zurich, 14 / 15 October 2013 in Frankfurt, 16 / 17 October 2013 in Vienna, 04 / 05 November 2013 in Berlin and 25 / 26 November 2013 place in Frankfurt. In addition to the extensive seminar documentation, which includes both checklists and project tools, the participants receive the current market overview documents management systems 2013 (62 systems, 1,200 pages).

Seminar Mass Training

Professional trade fair communication and tracking in this course is to ensure the expertise of the conversation as well as to coordinate the distribution of roles among the participating employees. At the same time, the trade fair objectives on the part of the Executive Board must be clearly defined and communicated to the participating employees. Only in the last step the whole team of exhibitors is in terms of fair behaviour and his fit to make. This exhibition training with practical character”reflects and optimizes the appearance and behavior of your booth staff. Your staff with current strategies are at the same time and made – for effective customer response measurement, as well as a demand-oriented and goal-oriented interviewing of visitors familiar result: successful talks and more qualified leads! As a trade show exhibitor you will be after this seminar able to estimate what visitors to speak are and which are not and how they initiate the fair conversation successfully with the appropriate opening questions and interview techniques and can lead. The special feature of this open trade fair training is that we cannot use actual booths on the Deutsche Messe Hannover in addition to the actual part of the training for individual practical exercises as realistic as possible to form off the trade talks. “” Objectives and contents of this seminar include: goals and expectations of visitors of DOS and Don’ts in the behavior of the knife and contact your trade fair appearance: important steps for a successful adjustment and preparation body language, appearance and appearance participants check “: fair types and stylish conversation strategy conversation getting started: the correct opening questions about the opening effective leadership techniques for exhibition talking degree in the trade fair contact: adoption and whereabouts after the conversation is before the conversation”: The seminar at experts and executives from exhibitors of all industries are aimed at consistent follow-up system and fair while tracking, plan which exhibitions or your Fair want to make professionally and successfully.