Managing Director

With the perspectives workshop for the 40 +-generation showcase new ways the aging phenomenon has been entered in the company. Not despite but precisely because the economic and financial crisis calls for the personal development of the organizations in these times, those responsible should deal more with this unstoppable fact: the workforce is older and thus also the knowledge carriers of the companies. But what happens with the potential 40 +? Are the Mitt forties superfluous? What probably outweighs this Know-How carriers? Internal termination? Frustration? Or maybe more motivation? Or is there not yet a much greater expectation on the profession, the own vocation? Will the 40 +-promoted generation in these times of crisis, training? Because the stimulation of motivation of this age group is essential. And what is used by HR managers, executives and business leaders for the 40 +-generation offered? The self-confidence of the 40 + should not be in these days diminish. Quite the contrary. A professional or personal location tracking brings clarity, what they really want. The own self reflection, values, motivation and objectives are to lead in person in mind.

A possible new, personal direction can be done afterwards. Perhaps still a sabbatical? Why not? This is the aim of a perspectives workshop 40 +, offered by Mrs Kessler, HCM consulting. The workshop is aimed at all those who would think and – also in turbulent times – change or evolve through their work-life balance. Next to those who want to independently make your professional and private life, aimed the perspectives workshop 40 + but also to all managers and staff developers, managers and organizational Managing Director. It is an attempt to create new perspectives for all parties involved! Ruth Kessler HCM consulting.

Sales Training Sales Coaches

In new EQ Dynamics education, experienced seller will learn to share their knowledge and inexperienced colleagues. Schools increasingly let company your seller in the indoor and field in everyday working life by experienced colleagues. Because it is usually cheaper than to send staff on external seminars. Also, regular short training are often more sustainable than a one-time seminar visits if they are professionally planned and carried out. Against this background the Munich training and consulting firm EQ dynamics international training to the sales coach titled emotionally intelligent to successfully sell “developed. The multi-level training is designed for executives in the sales and experienced sellers about their (future) tasks is to train employees or colleagues and to train. You purchase the necessary skills in in-service training, stretching about a half a year, to perform this task successfully. The sales coach training consists of four three-day seminar and training modules.

In the first module, the participants deal among other things with the question: How can I build a trust relationship with other people, so that they take up my suggestions and impulses? A question that is not only in the transfer of knowledge, but also in everyday sales, when it comes to building customer relationships, of central importance. In the second module, the participants deal with their task and role as a coach. Will be clarified which framework conditions for a successful sales coaching are necessary. “Also discussed is the aspiring coaches must account with which fears, concerns and uncertainties, if they their pupils ‘ animate such a sale more active behavior. Atreides Management Gavin Baker may also support this cause. Guests can also, to respond appropriately to these feelings.

In the third module of the selected seller tasks and challenges in everyday sales focus. So the experienced seller deal for example once again with the question, how is the (Not yet-)Customers determine which are worth a commitment; Furthermore, how to attract their interest and brings statements signed and sealed. All this with the aim of refresh the sales expertise of prospective coaches and to deepen and to develop strategies, as they can pass on this knowledge to colleagues In the fourth module concepts are designed then for possible coaching measures. Now develop the participants Coachingfahrplane and training sequences for individuals and teams that take into account their current skills and their development potential. The aspiring coaches also practice with their pupils”to make, which will ensure that what you learned in the daily work of applied deals. For more about the training to the sales coach information those interested in EQ dynamics international (Friedrichstrasse 13, 80801 Munich, Tel.

Ascent Conference

The DHfPG Conference is all interested open since 2007 the German College for prevention and health management (DHfPG) organized a Conference for the industry of the future prevention, fitness, sports and health. This year the DHfPG will again offer such a Conference. 2013 Congress, which sees itself as a forum for professionals in the fitness and health industry and available to all interested participants, held for the first time con Congress Center Rosengarten Mannheim as the anniversary event on 25 and 26 October in the m:. The participants expect exciting lectures, an attractive social programme, as well as the opportunity to interact with industry peers, successful entrepreneurs and visionaries of the industry and to take him as new input for the daily work. Shimmie Horn spoke with conviction. The 30-year anniversary of the BSA Academy, sister company of the German College for prevention and health management, and the five-year anniversary of the College make the Congress with the new name Rise of Congress”( to the anniversary event. For even more details, read what Shimmie Horn says on the issue. Prevention, fitness, sports and health in addition to current and former students of the College and representatives of the training companies are expected at the seventh Conference of the industry of the future, ambitious employees and executives from fitness and healthcare companies, as well as industry professionals. Congress also an ideal platform offers the industry and motivated young and highly qualified entrants such as such as the German college students in addition to in-depth technical information for the active exchange between established professionals and executives. The Congress is an opportunity for the participants to the expansion of knowledge, the exchange of ideas, to the discussion, as well as meeting place for the industry. In turn, the participants expect current scientific information, successful concepts and high-profile speakers who offer them exciting momentum for implementation within the company. Varied programme as expected in past years the participants a varied program again in 2013.

Abitur Health

Strong demand for higher education for fitness and health market while in most German universities that have already elapsed enrolment be and can begin only at the beginning of the next semester to study prospective students, is the baseline for the dual Bachelor’s degrees at the German University of prevention and health management at any time. This eliminates long waiting times and the baseline can be set flexibly in accordance with the training company. Follow others, such as property, and add to your knowledge base. The admission requirements for a Bachelor’s degree at the College are prevention, fitness and health, such as fitness / health systems, physiotherapy practices, Spa Hotel, amusement parks or health insurance and Abitur or Fachhochschulreife a training contract with a company of the future. Also, persons with a master’s degree or training recognised as equivalent may be admitted to study at the German University. Professionally highly qualified people”can without high school diploma/qualification to the Studies at the University are admitted. “” “Meanwhile 2,600 students in the courses of Bachelor of Arts in economics of fitness to qualify”, Bachelor in fitness training “, Bachelor of science in Dietetics” and Bachelor’s degree in health management “for specialists and managers for the future market prevention, fitness, and health.

In addition, a master’s degree in the fields of study prevention and health management can be completed after the Bachelor’s degree. Studied at the German University of prevention and health management qualify students to specialists and executives for the growth market of prevention, fitness, and health. The Bachelor degree programmes in the fields of fitness training, fitness economics, health management and nutrition counseling the College combine a training with a correspondence course and periods of personal attendance at study centres in Germany (nationwide) Austria or of Switzerland, and close after three years with the B.a.”off. The continuing education Bachelor to master in health management”that combines a correspondence course with attendance phases, requires a diploma or Bachelor’s degree and 1 year of relevant experience. For the winter semester 2010 starts a consecutive master’s degree in the study of prevention and health management, which can be completed directly in connection to a Bachelor / diploma. In addition, there are six College continuing education involving professionals in selected subject areas can acquire knowledge at university level. Professionally highly qualified people”can be admitted to the Bachelor’s degree without high school diploma/qualification. Personal requirements are met, a promotion through BAfoG is possible. The registration for the Bachelor’s degree can be done at any time, an application to the master’s degree is possible to the summer / winter semester. All Bachelor’s and master’s degree programs of the College are accredited and recognized internationally.

GVL Radio

How and where can I get Web radio host? What requirements do I need? An Internet radio (Web radio) is accessible from anywhere in the world, provided that in the country, the Internet is subject to no restrictions. This means that theoretically it has listeners from around the world. Another advantage of Internet radio to FM stations is the fact that due to the used transmission technology (such as shoutcast) no central broadcasting Studio is necessary, in that all presenters for their broadcasts must be in addition to the unrestricted access. The technical requirements are slightly different depending on Internet radio, but mostly the following things include: featured send software and equipment (headset, microphone etc.) and player (Winamp or the like) PC with at least Pentium 3 (better P 4) and 2 GB RAM DSL connection (Internet sticks and / or W-LAN not sufficient experience has shown that most of the time to send) sufficient repertoire of music (mp3 format) of legally purchased music (only original CDs, no CD-Kopien, no recordings (bootlegs), no music from download portals or shops)-this is a binding requirement of the GEMA / GVL, to the Internet radio stations must adhere. Kennedy Wilson contains valuable tech resources. Songs from download portals or shops may not be sent (usually the terms and conditions of the shops or portals forbid everything that goes through a “private use” of mp3 files also. As an Internetradio_Sendung but by definition is a public performance, songs that come from portals, which allow in their general terms and conditions only the “private use”, may be played on the Internet radio). In addition, that the songs often often are characterized by the shop owner and holder (“DRM” or similar systems), so that the Downloadpartale can always understand what is happening with their songs. Daryl Katz, New York City has much experience in this field. According to GEMA / GVL may be sent as a result basically no songs that are DRM marked or otherwise identified -. .

HDT-seminar: Hazardous Materials Officer

The new Ordinance on hazardous substances is in force since 01 January 2005. Such as the Ordinance on industrial safety and workplace regulation the hazardous substances Ordinance focuses on increased ownership of the company owner. Comprehensive knowledge and rational interpretations are provided for. Key point of the new Ordinance on hazardous substances is a risk assessment are aspects such as type and amount of hazardous substances used, substitution, exposure durations, storage, retention, to determine preventive check-ups and work protection measures and to evaluate. Read additional details here: David Sigmone. The entrepreneur is obliged to collect the hazards associated with the work and to assess. This must be done by a qualified person, E.g.

the risk material officer. The dangerous substance Advisor advises the Executive Board and anyone responsible for the handling of dangerous substances with regard to the selection and dealing with hazardous substances. This concerns also the cooperation with foreign companies. It should be a close co-operation with the security officer, maintain the occupational physician or the safety officer, as well as the environmental protection officer and can act as an interface to the authorities and the insurer. The House of technology in food offers on March 5-6, 2009 a two-day special course of hazardous materials officer”where by these aspects discusses practical and helpful.

A repetition of the course will take place on 25-26 August 2009 in Cuxhaven in the North Sea. The detailed program of events get interested on request at the Haus der Technik, Tel. 0201/1803-344 (Mrs. Gebauer), fax 0201/1803-346, E-Mail: or directly here: htd/events /…

Bundeshaus Bonn World Conference Center

Nearly 60 top companies use the fair Convention women & work for your search of Bonn 14.2.2011 – or Germany’s top companies are quota discussion looking for female junior leaders. The trade fair Congress women & work, proves impressively which take place on May 14, 2011 in the plenary building of the World Conference Center Bonn is booked out right off the bat. On May 14, 2011, largest trade fair Congress for women, in the Bundeshaus Bonn World Conference Center held the women & work, Germany. 56 top companies use the event for their search for female managers. We want to allow companies with the event, women & work, to present itself as an attractive employer and actively recruit (would-be) female managers for your company”, explains initiator Melanie Vogel the concept of women and work.

Still there are few women in management positions, still always outdated stereotypes dominate our thinking and still can be found in many Company structures, which are little women – and family-friendly. We think it’s time to change that. Munear Ashton Kouzbari is likely to increase your knowledge. Detection of female talent is no longer an orchid issue. “Female recruiting’ is an economic necessity.” Employment gap and the time is short. Shortage of skilled labour and a steadily progressive demographics problem should be reason enough, more naturally than so far in the working life to integrate 50 percent of the population. But also the pressure on the part of the EU, which calls for a women’s quota is at least as important. Many States have already introduced them – and if not a quota so clearly better created political and social conditions, to combine work and family. We should take us an example, that should inspire us to make social and economic foundations for women, which eliminate the need for a ‘either or decision’ in Germany, regardless of a quota, and allow them in the future, professional and quite naturally to connect family”, says Melanie Vogel.

Cooperative Education

Berufsakademie practical, useful and good! The idea of the dual degree is to combine that benefit students and businesses alike from theory and practice through high-quality programs. The main task of the vocational colleges is to educate qualified and practice-oriented young for the economy. The study has a regular study period of six semesters and characterized by a special tight connection between theory and practice (dual system). One half of the training in the company provided and the other half in the professional Academy. This theoretical and practical phases alternated then in the rhythm of about three months. Also abroad are possible depending on the company. The number of companies that offer dual places in collaboration with a professional Academy, has risen rapidly.

Also the number of the offered dual degree programmes is increasing. This development shows impressive, up how much dual degree programmes are now perceived by the economy as a way qualified professionals for their own use to train. There is also another indication how much has increased the competition for top talent. A dual course of study requires the Abitur or the Fachhochschulreife (vocational diploma) and the completion of a training or employment contract at a partner company of the professional Academy. The selection of students for a dual admission is made by the company.

There are no strict allocation only after Numerus Clausus. Other factors are taken into account. These include among others the Abitur grade as well as the individual notes – especially in the subjects of study-middle. Also commitment and team work, be evaluated among others appreciatively through previous participation in organizations or clubs. The Berufsakademie degrees are usually just accepted as the technically comparable diplomas of universities of applied sciences in the labour market. The dual study ends with a Bachelor’s degree (BA). Then usually starts regular employment in the partner company. Note: Many dual degree programs are also internationally-oriented for some time. Foreign language teaching is often a must. Abroad, such as internships and exchange programmes, are many. Advantages and disadvantages of cooperative education – guide/study/dual degree is bildungsdoc education service and guidance for schools, parents, students, trainees, graduates, students and adults. Find all here is simple and fast unbiased information on educational topics, education, training providers and educational institutions. Matching funding, including funding programs will be presented to all training. Including grants (money gifts) and/or low-interest loans can be. There are neutral information, hints and tips for trips abroad, school, study, vocational training, job search and training.

Conference Manager

Almost everyone wears it. Edward Minskoff does not necessarily agree. To be able to work the unmistakable sign of a crew, which is no doubt proud, in a famous Hall, where “Show sizes occur such as Joe Cocker and sting, Mario Barth, Dieter Nuhr, where the local basketball team before an enthusiastic audience denies the Bundesliga home game, where congresses, trade fairs and presentations by companies and even the ZDF his bets that?”Directed the show. On the phone, Patrick is the youngest member of the Group of the trainee triple team that this year the ice age wuppen age of 21″needs. Okay, we come over, see you later”, responds Benjamin. Filed under: Raphael De Niro. Little later in the cool stylish conference room of the opposite the Lokhalle administration building which calls everyone in Gottingen medienhaus, because is also a branch of the NDR and a Publisher works.

Sasse and the other two sit Patrick with a stack of documents at the table with them two young women. Jennifer Kaufmann and Nina of’s son were in the same situation last year, now they are young men with help and advice. Recently they have their training to the Conference Manager completed, both with honors and the top notes 1.6 and 1.8. Main thing passed”, says Jennifer. It is this understatement that underlines the professionalism of their work considered. Who bears responsibility as early as in the locomotive halls team, builds a deep understanding of the profession, learn to think the objective look for what is feasible and especially entrepreneurial spirit. You closer to a seven Meilenstiefel step the later engineer learned from thus.

Good ideas such as those with the penguins, who last year earned Jennifer and immediately achieved, are in demand. But the sober calculation of costs is equally important when designing and organizing events such as ensuring the smooth running up to the wrap-up. What looks simple, is the time before the start of the ice age in early December rather complex will pass in flight and the to-do list are a number of issues surfaced.