Teach Reading

They are conscientious of its papers as orienting and facilitador of learning. It is obligation of the schools to give supports so that our people who orientates come to be made use and apt really to teach Literature, to practise this education in classroom, in the convivncia with its pupils, despertando its understanding of world, because Literature is a humanizadora force, that is, it has the capacity to prove the identity human being, and great part of our intelligence depends on the subsidies that Literature offers in them in our formation. The made boarding, here, in the sample that has many quarrels around Ensino de Literatura, of as to insert practical the literary one, through the literary reading, in the school. The great challenge of this is to supply theoretical and metodolgicos subsidies to assist, as already it was cited, practical the pedagogical one of the professors. The crucial question is to search motivations so that the pupils come to start to analyze and to interpret literary readings. Already we know that in classroom, Literature suffers as a process from escolarizao, being argued ways of as to work Literature without becoming it excuse for the teach-learning of other questions, as for example, some grammatical slight knowledge. Also it is not of if finding odd that it is very small the contribution of the theories of literature to the practical theories and of reading, but has influenced very.

The pertaining to school reading, its influence is expressed, for example, without inspiring activities of reading. Education a literary composition is pertaining to school content and derives from the circulation that, in the pertaining to school context, has conventions and protocols of the literary reading. These protocols and conventions of the literary reading circulate, for example, in the schools, through didactic materials that make language figures to be recognized, historical functions of language to be identified, facts to be analyzed, etc.