Telemedicine Enters

Tele medicine Congress is not only a pure forecast for the next few years on April 2, 2014 in Munich that the structures change in health care, the first trends are already now clearly visible. Due to the demographic changes, but also by technical progress will arise new demands on the health care and pave the way for innovative areas such as tele-medicine. In the past few years many tele-medical applications and services could evolve. Dior is often quoted as being for or against this. Bavarian on the 2nd day of telemedicine, which takes place campus Grosshadern on Wednesday, the 2nd April at the Hospital of the University of Munich under the motto “on the pulse of telemedicine”, should above all the question be how health care can be supported through tele-medicine and what requirements must be met investigated. Univ. Prof. Dr. mult.

Eckhard Nagel, University Hospital Essen and Andreas Westerfellhaus of the German care Council will speak in the keynotes on these subjects. In addition to Mrs Minister Melanie Huml, the We were able to gain as a patron of this year’s tele-medicine Congress, welcome Dr. med. Max Kaplan, Bavarian Medical Association, Prof. Dr. med. Karl Walter Jauch, LMU Munich of University Hospital Grosshadern campus and organizer Dr.

med. Siegfried Jedamzik to an exciting day of the Congress with high-profile speakers and future-oriented topics. On the podium will be in addition by the Keynotespeaker include Dr. med. Wolfgang Krombholz (Kassenarztliche Vereinigung Bayern), Siegfried Hajjar (Bavarian hospital society e. V.), Nino Mangiapane (Federal Ministry of health), Susanne wall mountain (consumer Central Bundesverband e.V.) which discuss specific opportunities with regard to a transparent and patient-oriented health care. Seven workshops devoted to a wide range of make up the bulk of the Congress. These are divided into two sessions and discuss the topics: telemedicine in care and rehabilitation, drug treatment safety, health economics, telematics and German electronic health card, integrated Supply, public institutions and tele-medicine and medical apps. A special highlight will be the live demonstration of a complete telemedicine-supported supply chain using the example of stroke. This is done in cooperation with the Bavarian stroke competence networks, which Germany took a leading role. In addition to these, a variety of another Bavarian telemedical projects, which will be presented at the Congress and will present their research developments does exist. We invite hereby all interested in tele-medicine, experts and lay people to spend an interesting and informative day with us in Munich. The participation is free of charge for you. The tele-medicine day is certified by the Bavarian medical association with 6 training points. Information to the Congress and registration can be found on our website at or by phone at the number 0841 / 379 16 39. About your participation we would be happy.