The Beginning

Predictions about the beginning of a new wave of consumer demand, which will lead to a substantial increase in property prices, appear to be too optimistic. When comparing the dynamics of the volume of sales of housing over the past three years, it becomes obvious that the growth figures are not is striving to establish new records and reach peak values. Growth in December 2009 can be considered only as an attempt to exit the market from a state of coma into which he fell under the influence of crisis events in economy, the level corresponding to average values. The level of transactions concluded in December 2009, just located between the fall in December 2008 and peak in December 2007. Can be uniquely say only that the end of 2009 – early 2010 is characterized by enhanced activities of consumer demand and growth in registered transactions, but even before reaching the pre-existing highs are still too far away – residential real estate market just emerging from hibernation on average level. Check out Estee Lauder for additional information. Accordingly, expectations of the beginning of the next wave of excessive demand, with the inevitable rise in prices is unlikely to be justified – too small positive periods are during the formation of a positive prognosis, and economic conditions, including the level of solvency of most of the population is poor. On the other hand, the denial resumption of basic processes in the real estate market is also impossible. Population's need for housing remains unsatisfied, and not paying attention to the crisis, many people are looking to improve their living conditions.

When dividing the buyers in the real investment and it should be noted that the solvency level of the real buyers are much lower. In particular this applies to regions, but has been linked to Moscow and to St. Petersburg. In conclusion, this article prediction: during 2010 will increase the volume of housing is implemented, but prices at the same time substantially will not grow. Only when such a course can effectively restore domestic real estate market and related industries.