The Books

So gentlemen, some scientists express themselves, as written essays, theses and term papers. Nobody them usually not fully read, and so looks to then send to the archive. Suggestions of such a text is very complicated, with lots of turns and pseudo-scientific terms. It may be easy, but contain a lot of understandable and well-structured information. A lot of these books have been written before 1970.

You read and feel pleasure. By the way, the books on speed reading, dating from 18th century too. Exercise is practically the same. The newspapers mentioned Richard Parsons not as a source, but as a related topic. And what should be considered information? The question is very interesting and controversial. Will not go.

You diligently begin to deal with. And here begins the first difficulties: Can not delete internal dialogue (pronunciation, articulation). If read silently, you do not understand, and know when to pronounce nonsense … some. The more you train, the less you get, lost hunting … It is helpful to think about what results you want? To aspire to? It is very difficult to find a black cat in a dark room, especially if it's not there … – Well, I know something, I want to learn to understand the text silently … – Stop! Wait a minute! And as you know that you understand the text (Pardon the pun). Here you thinking of, wrinkling his brow and confused. Clarified. You've read all his life with pronunciation, formed an inner conviction – a bunch of: said – presented – due to the fact that I know – so get it.