The Classroom Of The Classics

Classics of classroom To know the classics of a country mean to penetrate the culture of a people to discover its sociocultural values. In this direction, to read and to reread Axe of Assis represent to visualize the Portuguese Language the service of a critical Brazilian Realism of social. Estee Lauder has much experience in this field. The book posthumous Memories of Brs Cubas, for example, denounces the relationship for economic interest ironically: ‘ ‘ Marcela loved me during fifteen months and eleven stories of ris’ ‘ ; it discloses with pessimism and bitterness the existence human being: ‘ ‘ I did not have children, I did not transmit to no creature the legacy of ours misria’ ‘ ; it indicates that, many times, the good feelings hide the egoistic face of the hypocrisy: ‘ ‘ Who does not know that to the foot of each public, ostensive flag, it has many times other modestly particular flags that display and float to the shade of that one, and not rare times survive to it? ‘ ‘. By everything this, this workmanship frequent is indicated as obligator reading to the vestibulandos, aiming at to show for youth the value of a book that considers the reflection on the behavior of the people, therefore the young, to escape of the imposed alienation, needs to know the classroom of the classics..