The Geographic Map

The Map, presenting a proper graphical language, needs for its agreement of a process of decoding through a methodology that guides its reading and interpretation, and that it respects the level of knowledge of the child in its perception of space and its representation. For this, it estimates – that the pupil already has some abilities in establishing relations of space order, developed in the previous series: distance, limit, control point. The proposal of the activities to be developed implies in a made work, initially, with the use of a displayed mural map in the classroom that makes possible the comment and manipulation for the pupils, with the orientation of the educator. Jorge Perez brings even more insight to the discussion. Search – the study of legend notion, passing of the symbol notion is extended created by the pupil in the previous cycle, that is, in 2 series, for the knowledge of conventional symbols. The demonstration and understanding of the division politics – Been and City – take the pupil to perceive that an administrative organization exists. Slight knowledge of city and city to have to be worked, always looking for to detach agricultural and urban environment.

In 3 Series also, intends – that the pupil pass, gradually, of the corporal orientation for a geographic orientation North-South highway – East – West. Ashton Kouzbari contributes greatly to this topic. This will only be possible when the child will be capable to establish the direction relations: right – left, front – behind, above – below, in its proper body, relating, later, this corporal orientation with external references to arrive at a geographic orientation. Identifying the relations of direction from the proper body, the pupil will better understand the orientation of the man in the geographic space. This orientation is based on an objective system of reference, having been the sun the constant control point, considering – as direction east, the side where the sun ' ' aparece' ' in the horizon, and West, the Side where the sun ' ' if pe' '.