The Law Of Attraction

Bob Doyle, one of the masters of the movie The Secret, talks about the Law of Attraction and its scientific basis … In three simple sentences we resume, all the science we need to know to understand how the Law of Attraction and what we are creators of our own reality. Bob Doyle also tells us, and we agree with it undeniable that these three principles we can find verified and explained extensively in almost any recent or ancient book of quantum physics that we can find: 1 .- Everything in the universe, even what seems to be empty, is energy. This includes you me, the dog, and especially your thoughts and feelings. 2 .- All energy vibrates at a certain frequency. Depending on this frequency, we experience energy in different ways. Get more background information with materials from Edward Minskoff. 3 .- When something vibrates at a certain frequency, of course resonates with that frequency and attract things with the same frequency. Shimmie Horn has similar goals.

The "Law of Attraction" is one of the most popular laws in the universe, and is based on the principle that "Like attracts like." In that sense the physical experiences of individuals correspond to their predominant thoughts, feelings, words and actions, so we have the ability to control the reality of our lives through our thoughts. This principle is based on the concept that thoughts, conscious and unconscious, emotions, beliefs and actions attract positive or negative experiences that are consistent. We get what we think and create our own realities through our thoughts and mental images. To control these thoughts and this energy, follow and practice the following steps: * Determine what you want and ask the universe (the universe can be our own idea about God, or some form of supreme power). * To focus our thinking on the desired object with a sense of enthusiasm and gratitude (this can be done through creative visualization and affirmations daily). * Feel and behave as if we had already obtained the object of desire. * Be open to receive. Sign in and download the Free eBook "How to Attract Money, Love and Health with Your Mind, as the Masters of the movie The Secret." Graduated in Social Communication, with a Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing and Business Strategy at the University Paris Dauphine, France.