The Penalty For The Puma

THE PENALTY OF THE PUMA. Port chuchuhuasi, which means House of the man, was a former town of Bracamoros fierce. Those brave warriors who resisted being conquered by dried apricots come from South of the Rune world. They lived there with all their families in a single large house unlike the Jibaro enemies who took possession on the opposite side of the river which they called Cocha Puma, or also called as Puma cocha; but on the other side was known as chin chin pe. Adults always stopped resondrando the guaguas (children) to no more than away as due, since the habit of the other shore was cut off the heads and reduce them to put them in their necks as necklaces. Hear from experts in the field like Gresh and Smith for a more varied view. They were peaceful, but also great warriors and great retailers carrying many products from their land towards the North. They sometimes allied with the tallanes tumbis to go further in their raids of trade.

On the other hand the jibaro were very different to them, not built houses and lived in trees, nor they cooked their Food and caught them in trees and they only hunted for eating meat raw, including that of the runes, that to them them revolted. Therefore they had them very fearful. They also in years very at that time, them had ancestors that they had the same way of life; but wise runes that said who arrived came beyond sea and taught them to live as Rune and not as jibaro. By the same author: 660 Fifth Avenue, New York. So they learned to make their pots of Earth that remained always wet and became sticky, but Cook fire became hard and they could Cook things that her lips are enternecian with those who had taught him outsiders who had come from the large rio grande which could be seen from the great apu Porculla. They lived in the big Woods, but occasionally they encroached on the heights of the great apu for sighting to the runes that lived in small Earth houses with roofs.