The Promoter

Specialist the UGEL feels entitled to say who study in your school, institution, to reject the documents again and again, to soften and thus understand that only by paying him to him, giving him his monthly Commission, you can work in peace. All specialists of secondary, primary, occupational, monitor private educational centres, without saying so publicly, they consider that these are bound to solve them, to give them a Commission and who doesn’t, marked with an x, put the cross. It begins a systematic persecution of the educational institution, mandan trades after trades again rejecting their documents, with observations by all and until they get into the private life of the promoter, to say, that does not deserve to have the Institute, the nest, the center of his property. Then seek a standard repealed, antigua and apply it, so disrupting the activities of the Centre, of the Institute. This is the practice of the Administration public sector education in Peru. With regard to the certificates and diplomas, it happens something more or less similar.

If your show a participation Diploma, reject it, declare it as invalid, on the grounds that the student was not subjected to any evaluation and that the document has therefore no value. Or to say of the certificates of participation that give mothers clubs, civil associations, cultural centres, parishes, in the Peru they are considered nothing. They are not valid for getting a job and explain because: 1.-public entities do not accept participation documents to apply for a position as administrative assistant, accounting, logistics, 2.-private companies want diplomas by approval of courses, by specialization, with notes, qualifications, education credits, signatures of national authorities, credible and not from a Juan wool, owner of an association, Temple, club, Center without recognition, require they be University or the Ministry of education.