The Risk

As we see, this joint litigation is not only not at all necessary, since the law declares the solidarity of all to the consumer, but is also highly damaging because it multiplies the parties with which we must plead, greatly complicating the claims, and increases the risk of high costs in the case of the complaint be dismissed. Precisely the law, protection consumer or user, leave our customers out of this discussion, which only causes unnecessary delay compensation, and those involved who will be airing later in their internal relations, these details actually, as we see, in no way affect entitled to receive compensation. Was thus set up a system that clearly defines the responsibilities in this area. If there is a compensable injury is compensated as quickly as possible. Learn more at: Gavin Baker Atreides Management. In my experience it is possible to severance agreements without trial, and in any case civil or administrative ways seem most appropriate.

Where there is also the negligence of someone who provided services, and it is severe enough, it call the appropriate criminal, this time it negligently. All this is based, as we see in different legal bases that allow to clearly separate the two issues. In this way the courts are not in the difficult task of qualifying a single act of non-negligent in professional prosecution and negligence in civil or administrative litigation to award compensation, most of the time deserved much they complicate the process, as most of the time, to be fair, there has been a neglect of doctor the cause of the damage. A problem this, accusing the doctors of the commission of crimes in the course of their work, or at least of negligence that occurs more often than would be desirable and in my opinion is one of the origins all these problems. Among other issues because this attitude understandably provokes a defensive reaction by doctors who, in addition to preventing many times a quick agreement for compensation, to be confused with the famous corporatism. Corporatism is not easy to find when it comes defines the responsibilities as required by law, all in the interest of our customers. m