Time-sharing Or Timeshare

If we say "Time-sharing" or "timeshare real estate, many people will not know what we mean. But if we use the term "timeshare", you probably know who do. There was plenty of time this term was seen as negative because the lack of legislation led to many abuses from occurring. Currently, according to the Organisation for Timeshare in Europe, there are 6.7 million families around the world to be satisfied timeshare owners. This item is regulated by the Law of December 15, 1998, as most striking, prohibits the use of the term "timeshare" or any other reason to believe that the purchaser acquires a property right, established as the official name of "timeshare real estate for tourist use." Legally is between ownership and rental. Timeshare is a holiday product, not a real estate product.

As explained in the law, term "timeshare had the great advantage of having penetrated the public, to the point of being, by far the most common way of referring among ourselves to the institution, regardless of whether it was incorporated as a form of property or a form of personal law. But globalization is precisely that character in that normally the one hand, and the fact refer to a specific form of ownership, on the other, which makes it an inappropriate term wrong. (…) It is preferable to the term timeshare right because it is less committed, in the sense of being an expression more general and more descriptive, and, secondly, because it conforms perfectly to the regulation of it is done.