Tips For Apartment Selling

To begin, we introduce concepts such as price and value of the apartment and break them down. Price – the amount that you want to get for their property value – is the perception of the buyer of your offer matching his preferences perceptions and expectations about the future of housing. On a personal perception is influenced by many factors, such as location, any special benefits, technical equipment, the general condition of the apartment, the comparison with other offers. For example, some will benefit the middle floor, but for others – the bottom or, conversely, is high. Some people prefer 'stalinka', the other – brick house or just new buildings. Someone important is green and eco-friendly area, and another – the proximity of the subway or school. To greatly increase your chances to get your desired amount, let's consider some details that have a positive impact on the value of your apartment in eyes of potential buyers: * Perceived eye on apartment size affects the value, even more than its size in square meters.

Open layout make it feel free space make the impression that the room for more than, in fact, large areas are divided into separate rooms. It is better to show an unfurnished apartment, unnecessary witnesses and bustle, this contributes to the fact that the apartment looks roomier and more advantageously. * It is better to sell the vacant apartment. If you rent your apartment or relatives live there, think about what you easier to show and sell the apartment if no one lives there and have the potential customers more quickly have a desire to become the owner if it is free. You will avoid the need to negotiate the time of your visit with residents. You do not need to be run before each visit potential customers there, to bring housing in decent form. * A fresh appearance and cosmetic repairs are very important.

* Freshly painted walls or wallpaper adds more value than the cost of replacement. * Clean and modern floor covering (carpet or laminate) add more value than the cost of replacement. * Take care of the obvious! Stains on the ceiling or a broken valve will reduce the amount to thousands, you can expect to receive from the sale of the apartment. The customer is always can ask for a discount, arguing that funds are needed to eliminate defects. * If possible, refurbish kitchen and bathroom. These are two very important rooms in the apartment, which influence the decision to purchase. * A major renovation not only adds value but also, significantly, the final price of the apartment. So do not spend on repairs more money than you can help out by raising the value of the apartment. As a conclusion, Find your balance between the costs of bringing an apartment in order and the maximum possible amount of expected sales, that is, between its price and value. Happy selling! The article draws on material published on the Yahoo! Real Estate source