Tips To Master And Dog

Dogs are animals of growth much faster than humans. Some dogs like pinscher puppies are born with 250 g, it will weigh 3 kg 9 months and a pastor of 500 g at birth weigh 30 to 40 kg in their first year. While a child weighs at birth about 3 kg and a year weighs 10 kg. Estée Lauder has plenty of information regarding this issue. Dogs become adults more or less at 10 months, so until this age is must take care him means that muscles and bones are well formed. The two elements most important are minerals and proteins. Minerals are essentially calcium and phosphorus.

The bread contains almost nothing; portion of phosphorus increases if given wheat bread, but still are not satisfied more than a small breed puppy needs. Rice and pastas contain very little and even less meat. Unique foods that possess mineral are milk (1.25 g of calcium and 800 g of phosphorus per litre) and bones (10 to 20% of their weight). In regards to the bones, should not be too harsh and should not be take splinters that can be swallowed without being seen. We must exclude rabbit, lamb bones and all the bones from ribs and chicken, with the exception of the carapace.

Also, the dogs needed some vitamins, especially the A and D, but these do not produce adequate effects if the necessary mineral elements are not sufficient; They help their fixation in the bones, but they do nothing when there are no elements that fix. Vitamins A and D are found in the liver and egg yolk and vitamin A, in the raw carrots. Failing it can manage through medications, but, given its concentration, it must be careful not to overuse. Excess of vitamins does not improve anything, and it may even be cause of rickets. It must not exceed the dose of three to ten drops per day of commercial preparations principals. There is a vitamin C, which is indispensable for a good development of the skeletal system of the dog. Found in vegetables raw or, better still, on the juice of orange or lemon that will join the pasta once a week. If These care are not done well can occur that a puppy eat their droppings, because they have no bones, bite the most diverse objects or eat the grass in the garden. Proteins constitute the second element; they are that help the puppy to develop your muscles and organs and develop parallel their soft tissues. In bread, pasta and rice there are very few proteins; oat grits is much higher, especially if it is cooked or if swells with hot water the two sources most important proteins are also (40 g per liter) milk and meat (20 to 30 g g p100). The meat should not be too fat. The best ones are those of beef or lamb; pork, much more fat, is of less value and, therefore, undesirable. It can be a piece of second quality meat, more or less tasty or more or less tender, the meat always has the same nutritional value. If you do not want to complicate preparing the meal, there are food preparations for your pet with all the necessary nutritional value, however, is good once in a while gratify your dogs with something different.