Triathlon Training

Who want to know but to more effectively train, should make a so-called lactate test. Here he is on the basis of capillary blood derived (usually from the ear lobe) Laktatgehalt with in the scope of the rising stress levels determined. What is lactate? Lactate is the so-called salt of lactic acid, which is produced in the framework of larger efforts (fast running, jogging,.). While the resulting pyruvate at low loads (slow running) can be built (aerobic lipolysis, aerobic Glycolysis), so this is no longer possible in larger efforts (anaerobic Glycolysis) and apply the so-called lactate in the muscles. This can be compensated by the muscles only up to a certain extent. The larger the Laktatgehalt (mmol/LTR.

blood), the stronger the necessary to supply metabolic processes in the muscle are inhibited. A certain amount per unit of time of lactate can be reconstructed in the body (heart, liver, respiratory chain). “” But more lactate per time unit is produced as it is degraded by the body “can be, so this sooner or later to the acidification” the muscles (individual anaerobic threshold). Results in a significant performance hit then, and the athletes will be forced to reduce the effort. An acidification is to feel a burning pain in the muscle spasm. A general limit of Laktatgehaltes in the blood is however also here we remember to call us, the different shoe sizes not special must individually be determined in an individual test, the so-called lactate test. The lactate test should be performed preferably in the same sport (running-> treadmill, cyclists-> Ergometer), which operates the athletes to be tested, a lactate test. Any contraindications to the test are excluded and the athletes with the necessary test blood collection (mostly on the earlobe) agrees, the test can be performed by an experienced tester.

The so-called Basislaktat at the beginning of the lactate test “determines. At regular intervals (usually 2 / 3 minutes) are now the heart rate, the speed (km/h) and the related Lactate determines. Is still during the measurement, the athlete starts the next load stage. Usually an increase of 2 km/h takes place here, though there are also some different procedures. A sub maximum physical exertion is not necessary for most athletes. To set training zones it is enough therefore mostly as long to increase the load until the individual anaerobic threshold is exceeded. This is to detect a significant increase of Laktatgehaltes gross. The evaluation is also possible for several different models. Mostly, they found a corresponding software (E.g. Freiburger model “”). Still it’s the evaluator experience, how well interpreted the curve”can be. Based on these evaluations, now exact forth frequency range to the training sessions can be set to achieve the desired training goals. Is a lactate test is already available from approx. 150,-. Hereby it is not the most convenient method to determine its training areas, but with the most accurate. Make You your lactate test with your personal trainer in Frankfurt, Wurzburg, or in any other city of your choice. Because personal training is specifically tailored to your needs and helps you to reach your destination faster. For ambitious athletes, especially for those who have a particular goal (competition such as E.g. half-marathon, Marathon, Triathlon, etc.), a lactate test is a great way to quickly and successfully to reach his destination.