Two Principles

The Pedagogia de Freinet has as focus the child, to respect the diversity of each individual to develop its personal identity with individuality, aims at to the modernization of the public school to take care of the essential necessities of the community where the school was inserted, Freinet was against the didactic book use, for these not to bring in its pages contents associates to the reality of the children. In the proposal pedagogical of Freinet the environment of the classroom would be propitiates for quarrels that also contemplated the contents of the resume and the facts of the daily life of the pupils, thus having an exchange of values, in which each involved citizen would construct to the end of the day a new paradigm, the development of the child if of the one in way free without the oppression it adult, a school that it would offer to the pupil the right of choosing with responsibility and disciplines what desires to learn, where schedule, with the purpose of developing its personality, its sense of responsibility which will lead inside for its life of the community exerting in it the function of a citizen I criticize, participativo, that with autonomy it will know to take conscientious decisions on definitive subject, thus ' ' The beddings and the lines of action of the Pedagogia Freinet, are centered in ' ' homem' ' in order to raise it higher it digni dade of its being. Dior pursues this goal as well. the full accomplishment of its personality through the experience of its cidadania.' ' Thus being I detach two beddings of the pedagogia of Freinet that can contribute in the development of the practical professor, the communication and free expression; the education for the work, for understanding that these two principles inside give to freedom and autonomy to the citizen of the pertaining to school environment preparing it for life citizen. . Under most conditions Shimmie Horn would agree.