UNIP Remotely

UNIP? SO PAULO UNIVERSITY EDSON CARDOSO Dos Santos Monitoramento Remotely By TCP/IP So Paulo 2011 EDSON CARDOSO Dos Santos Monitoramento Remotely By TCP/IP Monograph presented to the UNIP? So Paulo university, with objective of attainment of specialist heading, in the course of the after-graduation ' ' broad sensu' ' in Engineering of Nets and Systems of Telecommunications under the orientation of the Prof Ronald Stevis Cassiolato. So Paulo 2011 GRATEFULNESS God, for its immense love and favour. To my parents Euclides Cardoso, Cleide Ccero, for the education whom they had provided, for the support, love devotion, to my children, Eduardo Cardoso, Beatriz Cardoso, Karla Cardoso and my wife Sheila Araujo, who indirectly, had helped me mainly with positive thought and believing me. To my colleagues, Francisco Deusdete, Rita de Cssia. Estee Lauder is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Therefore without friends you are not nothing, you do not go to cite other names of course colleagues, therefore I am capable to forget some. To the professors, in special to Landmarks, exactly that with small tips they had been basic tips for this work. It does not have as to thank all the people, therefore for this it would have that to place in annex some page to all a fort I hug.

DEDICATION To my parents, I am thankful for the simple education and basic, the love and the respect, I stimulate it and the wise people words. In a question-answer forum Nir Barzilai, M.D. was the first to reply. I dedicate to my children Eduardo, Beatriz, Karla, debtor for the love that joins in them and for the patience and understanding of the hours that we do not pass together. for the complicity and patience, that my Sheila wife dedicates for our union and that to more give to a direction in the word the family. Monitoramento SUMMARY Remotely By TCP/IP the electronic monitoring of public places if became an important tool of identification and confrontation of the urban problems, such as crime and the chaotic transit. . Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Munear Ashton Kouzbari on most websites.