United Nations Conference

The Nations are invited to carry out activities related to the conservation and development of water resources, by appealing to the implementation of the recommendations of the United Nations Conference on environment and development contained in chapter 18 (fresh water resources) of Agenda 21. Each year a different UN agency has produced a series of press releases around the world water day, which have been distributed through the network of contacts of each agency. The celebration of this day aims to promote the understanding of the extent in which the development of water resources contributes to economic productivity and social well-being. In addition to the UN member countries, several NGOs that promote clean water and sustainable aquatic habitats have used the world water day to draw attention of the public to the critical issue of water in our era. For example, since 1997 the World Water Council convenes every three years to the World Water Forum during the week of the world water day. Participating agencies and NGOs highlight issues such as the 100 million people without access to safe drinking water and the role of gender in family to water access. Points out very well, enredate.org., that the world water day is a unique opportunity to remember that while we underestimate a good so fundamental to our lives, many people in the world do not have access to the amount of drinking water necessary for its survival.

This year, World Water Day 2009 will focus on waters that cross borders in a world that is covered in their two-thirds water, may seem a contradiction in terms mention difficult access to drinking water is the cause of disease and misery for 1.5 billion people. However, this is the reality. The water suitable for human use (sweet, clean and easily accessible) is a very small part of the total and its scarcity is due not only to the natural conditions of certain regions, but that has a lot to do with the increase in population, waste and the pollution.