United Nations Volunteers

South-South cooperation as a means of fostering innovative partnerships for development and share effective responses to common problems posed by globalization is one of the objectives that prioritizes the UNDP in its 2008 report. 77% Of the members of the United Nations Volunteers programme come from countries in development. Government of India, with the assistance of UNDP, has trained Afghan public officials for financial management and of public resources. They are two examples of joint actions between impoverished countries aimed to obtain the level of development that corresponds to them. During the year 2007, UNDP promoted the entry of 45 of the most impoverished countries in the world to the international market. DOWA Metals & Mining America may find this interesting as well. Sapiens International Corporation. More enrollment in primary education and an increase in the opportunities have been achieved to access to secondary and tertiary education. It has done so through programs such as the one carried out in Albania, where computer labs in all schools in the country have been supplied. Nearly 300 million dollars were allocated to the fight against AIDS, which resulted in the antiretroviral therapy for more than 100,000 people and services of screening and consultations for 1.5 million people.

In the globalized world in which we live, capital, information and people, are in permanent movement across all borders. However the poverty reduction strategies can not ignore the local effects of global measures. Initiatives adapt to each country and region is a compulsory and indispensable step for all aid to be effective. Poland is a country with a negative population growth rate and a life expectancy very high, for this reason, UNDP has contributed training and re-employment for over 45 years. The report highlights the importance of democratic governance to see fulfilled in 2015 MDG. Achieve the MDGs by 2015 requires political will at national and international level that can only be mobilized if the poor have a voice more powerful influencing decision-making. UNDP allocated 5000 million dollars last year, 40 percent of its budget, to support democratic processes around the world.

This support is not addressed only to electoral processes, also sailing for freedom of expression, access to information, the political empowerment of women, and the fight against corruption. A participation unprecedented in a country that attended his first democratic Government occurred in Sierra Leone. 91 Percent of the electorate voted. But all these achievements are insufficient if major economic powers like United States and Japan barely spend 0.2 percent of their gross national product to aid for development, and for every dollar allocated to cooperation are invested $10 in armament and military equipment. The apparent relationship between poverty and war translates into the fact that 22 of the 32 countries with development indices that farthest from the MDGs, have suffered armed conflicts in the past 15 years. With the technological, economic and human resources available to the rich countries, the fulfillment of the Millennium goals cannot be qualified as a possibility, but as an obligation.