Volker Vogel

Beautiful things are one namely literally at your feet: including “au de canard” (duck) or “Au de Heron” (Heron). Fabrizio Freda wanted to know more. I am with my whole body on the “scent” cast and beautifully distributed by rolling. Hmm, yummy! But what makes mistress? Leaps forth like a cam behind me and yells again this word: No. Menno! Mistress has but also even not good idea!” Balto is out as “Dog of today” but also about completely different topics, E.g. about being Dick, fancy dinner, or people who believe they would have to go for a walk with sticks in their hands rhythmically. Balto: “why throwing the mistress then even with strange sticks, I should pick? The poles but firmly grew on people, I can’t! Funny world!” Also is funny in the world for Balto: “dogs going Yes approximately three times a day with our people at the door, get the fresh air. The people call it go walkies. I like, because as it meet my friends…

but I is a scandal, that repeatedly dogs their people for dogs alone outside the door let go walkies.” How to get ideas for the texts? Brigitte Sommer: “Balto has the ideas, we” only the computer turn on and then he starts to write down his thoughts. The stupid it is that one then cannot work by us on his computer.” And how is access to the blog so far? Bird: “we are two days Yes just once online with the blog, but at this time, we had over 700 hits, by the way, also from the United States from Canada, France, Sweden and Austria. This is amount already ne and we hope that there will be many more.” With the blog to track a target? Bird: “no, this is the fun culture, also some fun must be lived in difficult times. But who knows, maybe, Balto writes sometime a book…” Volker Vogel