Want Language

What grades did you get in school in a foreign language? It is better not to remember? And as was the case in the institute? Indeed, it is good that some things in the past. For example, such as evaluation of someone your English or another foreign language. Rather, this evaluation is now, if you're in the process of life takes a job in a foreign company or surrender of any tests. Even when you travel, the local population is quite can discuss your accent whispering while you order coffee, or ask how to get to the library. However, all is not so terrible – so we teach the language to use them in appropriate situations and not worry about who and what We think. And here in the U.S. city of Dallas is not so long ago the incident occurred, which was almost turned into a public scandal.

Some woman was fined on the street for … that she did not speak in English! Cop first stopped her car because she made a prohibited turn. For some time he was studying her papers, and then started asking questions and discovered that she does not speak in English. It turned out that the woman had recently arrived from a east of the country and not really had time to learn the language. Diligent police, not taking into account its circumstances, sent her a card penalty for not knowing English! Later it turned out that a police officer in addition to being overdone, and yet no law.

The U.S. does have a law prohibiting individuals who do not speak English, drive a car – but only cargo! More concerned taxi drivers, who by law must know the official language of the country, but not common people! As a result, police were accused on several counts, including the racism against immigrant women. All ended well, the incident deemed accidental, but Police and his colleagues were sent to courses to repeat the law. Therefore, if you were going to go to the U.S. and take a ride on a rented car, but not yet speak English, do not worry, no you will not be arrested. However, this is not a reason not learn the language. You're not just going to ride in a car in the U.S.? And now – an interesting resource about the development of foreign languages: – Want to practice the conjugation of verbs studied your language? Then go here! Language Resource – English. Sincerely, S. Vasilenko e-mail for communication: serg753 (dog) rambler.ru 'Universal methods improved foreign languages! '- Master the language independently and effectively