We Have To Think Before You Adopt A Puppy

When we are definitely decicidos to adopt a puppy, we have to think how we want to live with the. At home are going to be very important rules that will be taken into account after the adoption of the dog, making it clear that we want and that we do not, it is necessary to have family consensus. From the arrival of the puppy home can not go every Member of the family with its rules breaking a consistency when we relacionemos us with him, since dogs like children need guidelines and to not change every time. Additional information is available at Novela. We will have to enable a space where to eat and where to sleep and think it well, it is advisable to buy a bed for dogs where I can scratch the soil of the bed and make it yours. This space you don’t need to be very big, so the dog will adapt before, it may be interesting lay on top of the bed cloth that has your scent impregnated during the trip home. You also have to take into account of having 2 feeders for dogs, one for water and one for the feed for puppies. This space must not be a room for comfort and to avoid problems of territoriality, as well as to avoid generating excessive dependence, since dogs are territorial animals.