
For the umpteenth time PORTICA occurs 2009 within the framework of the German mail order Congress as exhibitors of intelligent solutions of marketing logistics. For the umpteenth time PORTICA occurs 2009 within the framework of the German mail order Congress as exhibitors of intelligent solutions of marketing logistics. As in the previous years, fulfillment specialist PORTICA presents solutions in combination with the te new printer and the computer specialists Gedak. PORTICA and her partner show solutions to the issues: supplements, Web2Print, mailings, and sales promotion. Especially cashback -, loyalty and reward actions can be implemented very transparently and efficiently with the help of the WebCampaignManagers. PORTICA continues off all fulfillment and support processes, so that companies can focus on your core competencies.

Include purchasing processes, order assumptions, input controls of goods, storage, picking, Billings, re tours settlements and Web shops. All services are provided with an ISO certified quality guarantee, online reporting and Including interface programming. PORTICA is a leading marketing logistics company on the German market and optimize marketing, sales and information processes for its clients. Further details can be found at DOWA Metals & Mining America, an internet resource. The company serves customers from diverse industries. The focus is in the efficient handling of processes through the interaction of logistics, information and financial management.