
Do you feel that you’ve tried everything to lose weight and nothing works? Do you think that you’re willing to try anything to lose weight? If you’re thinking about using amphetamines to lose weight, think it again! Amphetamines have an interesting history. They were very popular during the years 50, 60 and 70, since they were an accessible medication without prescription which had not only energy properties, but the ability to make the individual lose appetite, forcing him to lose weight in an accelerated manner extreme. It must be clarified that all amphetamines are synthetic drugs, regardless of the amount in which dopants, are highly addictive. There are several types of amphetamines, some examples: Dexidrina (dextroamphetamine) is one which can be prescribed by doctors, or the metilanfetamina (known only as methamphetamine). Any of them causes the same stimulating effect on the central nervous system, coming to provoke psychotic symptoms (hallucinations, for example). This wreaks havoc in the brain, permanently damaging areas of the tissue in which they are involved the motivation, sense of reward and behaviour, so once your body begins to need them for work, all these areas of your life are affected, for example, losing control over your mood and your reactions to stressful situations. This is the main reason why amphetamines to lose weight are not a good idea.

The diet pills containing amphetamines were withdrawn from the market precisely because of physiological damage and addiction causing and little safe that are, among other things, increased heart rate and blood pressure, which can be extremely damaging, especially for people who suffer from obesity and already present trends to disease of the heart, by which amphetamines can result even lethal. Rapid weight loss is only on rare occasions a long-term solution. When people use stimulants or supplements or other substances for lose weight immediately, it is likely not to keep the weight low once you complete treatment or diet extreme if it is the case. This is because these people do not learn to change their eating habits in a healthy way. For example, you sorprenderias to know that the large amount of weight to be missed only replacing juices and carbonated sodas (that are loaded with sugar) by natural water. So my advice is as follows, amphetamines to lose weight? The worst option. In a question-answer forum westfield was the first to reply.

If it is assumed that the people want to lose weight to stay healthy, there is no reason that justifies use something which will severely damage your body to achieve that thinning. The truth of things is that it is not easy to lose fat, but yes there are efficient and healthy ways to achieve it. I have discovered a method which I think is fairly well balanced, takes you step by step through a healthy way in the nutritional sense and with an excellent exercise plan. It’s a simple guide to burn the fat and turn it into muscle, without investing much time or damaging substances outside the body. CLICK here to make you discover for yourself the results that this program can bring you if you are determined to give it a twist your life. Wait no longer! and download the guide that will revolutionize your body here.