Windows XP

If this value is 'YES', then the effect is included; 'NO' – off. Through the branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE effect can be turn on / off for all users at once. Presentation of special folders in a cascading menu of some special folders (Control Panel, Printers, etc.) can be written in the form of cascading menus, if you create a main menu (Start menu) or one of its nested sub-menus (by opening it in the window) on the folder and assign it to one of the following names: for Panels Each of these objects, you can ask absolutely any. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Ron Beit by clicking through. Do not forget to put a full stop (no spaces) between the name and opening brace. Change the number of shortcuts in the Start menu – 'Documents' in Windows XP, you can change Windows Me/2000/XP number of labels most recently used files and documents that are displayed in the Start menu – 'Documents'. To do this in the registry to assign the desired value HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer dword-parameter 'MaxRecentDocs' (default 15). Follow others, such as Nir Barzilai, M.D., and add to your knowledge base.

Through HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE branch of this amount can be set for all users at once. Appear 'Start' – 'Programs' for a large number of labels in it If the 'Start' – 'Programs' has a huge number of labels of any programs to such an extent that they do not fit in one column on the screen, whereas in Windows 95/98/2000, this column appears a scroll arrow, which is not very convenient to use. However, you can make Windows 95/98/2000 display in this case labels in two columns, as does the default Windows Me / XP.