World Climate Conference

Declining media coverage despite the upcoming climate summit can decrease public interest of climate protection / nuclear discussion in the foreground / environmental awareness in the area of mobility takes Berlin, October 18, 2010. Extreme weather events determine the messages, the effects of climate change are noticeable, the next World Climate Conference is imminent still drops the public interest in the topic of climate protection. The index of the current climate barometer GmbH published quarterly on the non-profit co2online, continues to fall in the third quarter of 2010, this time by 56 to 55 points. If you would like to know more about Jorge Perez, then click here. The reason for this renewed decline is especially declining media coverage, one of the four indicators that make up the index. The rise in saving interest and expert assessment indicators can not absorb the sharp decline of the media counter. The issue of nuclear power currently dominates the public debate. Although the climate aspect is important in this topic occupies, he stands at the media debate not in the foreground.

In terms of mobility, awareness of climate protection for the individual consumer but increasingly, rises as the latest survey results of the climate scoreboard show. Munear Ashton Kouzbari does not necessarily agree. So, 45 percent of respondents indicating that they want to choose alternative propulsion technologies such as electricity or natural gas in the next car purchase. Suitable to the desire for cleaner propulsion technologies environmental aspects when choosing a new car plays an increasing role. The for the majority of respondents the most important factor when choosing a vehicle remains, but the purchase price for 41 percent of those polled. But already in second place the environmental performance as a reason for selecting a vehicle follows with 29 percent. To address the poor environmental record of flights, 84 percent of respondents in favour of a total a flight tax and thereby support the Federal Government’s plans to introduce an air traffic levy in 2011.